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AAAAAAA FINALS WEEK IS UPON MANY OF YOU AND I'M WORRIED YOU MIGHT NOT BE TAKING CARE OF YOURSELVES AS WELL AS YOU SHOULD. >:( So in lieu of actually coming to your house and making you drink water and take breaks, here is an audio where I come into your house and make you drink water and take a break. >:D Muahahahahaha

There's a little section at the end where you can drift off with me and take a nap. Soft breathing sounds + blanket sounds.


Babe, you've studied as much as you can. Now it's time to rest. Please, let me help you relax your body a little bit... I promise I'll help you get to sleep, okay? You know I've got you. Just let me take care of everything for a while.


Today's very sweet pick-me-up audio was written for me privately by the wonderful u/iamthejackkeaton!!


FOUR VERSIONS BECAUSE WHY TF NOT. Version linked above is the F4M version with wet sounds. Headphones highly recommended for all versions, as I recorded this in stereo and move from your left to right sides for certain things, hehe.

Inclusivity Notes:

All: Speaker briefly mentions playing with your hair, though it's implied this is more of a headrub. Speaker uses petnames "pumpkin," "baby," "sweetheart," "darling," and "my love."

F4F: Listener is described as getting wet when aroused.

F4A: Listener is described as being "ready" and references are made to licking the "top" of your genitals, which is described as sensitive. No other genital mentions.

F4M: Listener is explicitly described as having a cock.



Reading these tags puts this image into my head. Blue stuffing all those tags into a giant mallet then knocking me over the head with it 🥴 Oh am gonna enjoy this one 😴💤💤💤


Just what I needed! 😋