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Hey...can you come over? I really need you right now. You're the only one who can make me smile again.


(No title)



I will preface this by saying I am not as great as Demigod Umbral at comments and replies, but I wanted to share my input on this. Starting off, I thoroughly enjoyed the emotions you were conveying in the sadness of your voice. The way her voice breaks and even the dialogue with uncertainty interlaced across the script, it has that realism deep set into the development. Not only is the acting great, but the script content itself is wonderful. There's so many different layers that are added to really feel immersive, almost like it was just a memory being recalled. The ability to do that is so incredibly rare, and it is also incredibly attractive. She makes mention of the ex-boyfriend using his cellphone excessively, and then catching a glimpse of the notification. That's exactly how it would work in real life too. Then following up with that, there is the honest heart-to-heart conversation that can only truly be developed between two friends that have had so much history. Everything from the "Should I make up more names for him" to the moment when the listener admits that she is her type. I love that little bit of dialogue where they admit and confess their feelings, and it feels so NATURAL. It's so natural that you can feel that tension building between them, that spark of attraction that connects them together across years of experience. It's not too sudden, and it makes sense. We now go to the actual making out and sex, and I love the bit that gets added where the listener hesitates. In a classic smut rendition, there is no hesitation because confession -> sex immediately. But that little bit of dialogue? Builds that much more depth. It's as if the performer is reading the listener's mind, reacting perfectly to the situation and creating this atmosphere. I personally felt a longing, recalling the moments in the past where I have had hesitation, and it was exactly this same feeling. This feeling of maybe it's not the right thing to do, it's too soon. But wait! She doesn't stop. She goes forward with liquid courage (hehe) and pushes for more. That desire is apparent, and maybe it's a reaction to wanting a rebound, but I think the story develops this intimacy already. It's not a rebound, but instead a real human connection that was established. I love how the script touches base on this already with the hesitation. She moves the story forward though and they are honest about their feelings as the physical intimacy increases. The blowjob was so well done, the sounds were perfect. I feel like it's needless to say, but at the same time, so necessary since it's such a highlight in your acting. The blowjobs are always exceptional, and this was probably one of the best ones out of all of them. "how deep I can swallow" instantly sent pangs through my whole body, the seduction of it and delivery was absolutely wonderful. The timing was immaculate, right when the action is starting to become hotter. God that was hot, and the sultry desire that follows was even hotter. The way she said she wanted him inside her right then and there was just dripping with desire. Finally, the sex itself was so well coordinated. It wasn't too fast, and it wasn't too slow. The pacing was great, and the sounds, as usual, were right on the mark. I love how natural you performed it when she began to cum, and how it makes sense. Sometimes cum scenes are just like "sex sex sex, okay lets end it with an explosion." but the way you performed it felt so much more vivid. The mentions of a sex god, and the goofy grin near the end were honest thoughts and really added to the texture of everything. The aftercare was so hot, where you can visualize each detail. Lets not forget the desire here, since it sounds like this is not the end... Overall, one of my favorite audios, hands down. I am floored by the immersion, the attention to detail, and the wonderful dialogue interspersed through out. This type of quality content is why I am so happy to be a fan, and why I will continue to come back for more and more.


I liked the part where you did the sex noises and stuff. Vary gud. I rate 10/10 would listen and touch peen again.


Wow, Mocha. I think it’s a great insult to yourself to say that you’re not as great as me. In some ways, you’ve surpassed my writing skills! I’m glad I could inspire you to write this, because you’re genuinely talented. I hope you continue to write more comments. I know Blue will enjoy them! I like the way you described Blue’s voice in the second paragraph. You really captured the essence of that part of the audio. Good word choice. Choosing “interlaced” was a solid call, and it perfectly illustrates what is happening with her voice. Your third paragraph was a nice continuation of the main theme of the comment, which is that the whole thing is very natural. Capitalizing NATURAL was a smart move, too. It emphasizes the most important part of the paragraph, and if someone just skims, they’ll still catch the meaning you’re trying to convey. I totally agree with your fourth paragraph. The scene feels more natural because it takes some time to get to the sexy bits. In fact, it takes about 20 minutes for that fun to begin. I haven’t felt that longing myself, but since you did, including it here was a great point! Relating the audio back to your own feelings is a very good technique, and helps make your comment seem more genuine. Great job! The fifth paragraph starts out hilariously. “But wait! She doesn’t stop” is a solid line. I would’ve gone for the cliché “But wait, there’s more!” yours is better because it references this common phrase, but you put your own spin on it. Amazing! You’re very talented. I thought it was cool that you touched on the human connection was a skilled move. Keep reinforcing that natural theme you’ve set up in previous paragraphs. You’re a natural at that! In the sixth paragraph you touch on the blowjob. I definitely agree with you that her sounds are perfect. Needless but necessary was a very fun choice of words. It basically describes this feeling that commenting on the blowjob sounds isn’t needed since it’s obvious to anyone listening that they’re amazing, but it’s also necessary to say something because they are that good! Fantastic job here! I think this is your best paragraph. It’s unique, impactful, and fun. My only critique is that you said “hot” three times in a row. It’s not something I would do, since I like to vary my superlatives, but you can also look at it from the perspective of enhancing that one word. The repetition hones in on the meaning. Good job! I like to see the different ways you enhance your comments, especially compared to the ways I write mine. Your seventh paragraph is very nice as well. I really enjoy the way you insert these little quotations. It’s not something I do, but I might adopt it into my own writings. It’s a lot of fun to read, and a lot of fun to write! I like the creativeness, and the way it enhances the surrounding text by providing some comic relief. I can’t help but crack a smile when I see one of these silly quotes! When you said that some of the things she did added to the “texture” of the audio I was initially puzzled. I thought about it for a second, and then I totally envisioned it. That’s a great way to write! Making your audience think for a second about your imagery is a nice way to make your writing stand out. People don’t fawn over obvious poems, they chase after the ones that initially seems confusing. Teasing out the meaning is half the fun! Your conclusion paragraph is a little anemic, but that doesn’t really matter. It covered the important bits: restating why you loved the audio. Fantastic job here, Mocha! I’m excited to see how you continue this writing style, and I’m very confident that you’ll surpass me someday soon. Thank you for sharing!


Ooh this was really special. These kinds of realistic audios are my favorite, and you are so so good at them. The part I thought was especially especially great in this audio was how you transitioned from the crying and breakdown to the two characters going at it. I thought you gave just the right amount of time to that transition. The little details about the two characters' pasts were also really immersive, they gave just the amount of detail so the listener knew what was going on but not so much exposition that it doesn't make sense in the scenario that you were acting. Especially when your character name dropped the "hot girl from school", you delivered that so naturally that I thought it must have been some famous celebrity that everyone knows. Then stopping the characters halfway through the foreplay for another short conversation was another really nice touch. A lot of times the 25+ minute audios are too much for me, or can feel repetitive, even if it's super sexy throughout the whole thing. But this one flowed so well that the 40 minutes was over before I had a chance to think about it. Since your realistic roleplays are my favorite types of audios you produced, I'd been kind of missing them as you've been branching out into more fantasy and act-y audios (even though I love that you do a variety of themes). I think this audio really shows the ways your production, acting, and scenario construction have evolved and improved since I first started listening to your GFE type audios.