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The Diamond Palace. The finest little cabaret for a thousand miles. Every vice you could ask for, gathered together in a shimmering pile. A dragon's hoard of jewels, gold, glittering lights, and beautiful music to make a man's soul fly straight on up to heaven. The finest spirits, the most gorgeous girls--all with complete discretion, of course. The girls are all under the watchful eye of Donnie Solomon, mob leader and owner of several cabarets.

Tonight, your friend has bought you a few hours with the crown jewel of the Diamond Palace--Maxine Cabot, the stunning star of this hidden kingdom. But as the gorgeous singer starts to weave her seductive spell over you, you suspect that not all is as it seems...


(No title)



Fantastic story telling! Can't wait for part 2, maybe even 3?


Before beginning feedback on the audio, I’d like to say a few things. I was looking forward to this for one main reason: I love Bioshock. I adore the setting that Bioshock is in, which is 1920s Roaring Twenties themed. I love the story and gameplay too, but that’s not relevant for this. Art Deco is amazing to me, and along with that goes swing music. I really enjoy swing music, and especially electro swing. When I first got into electro swing it seemed very niche, but now it’s kind of taken over, thanks to Caravan Palace. Backstory completed. Right off the bat, the soundscape is amazing. It really captures the feel of a speakeasy. The swing music in the background is a great touch too. The accent you do for the cabaret girl is spot on as well! It definitely reminds me of that era, so great job! I like that you whisper into the listener’s ear in the beginning. It helps me visualize a cabaret girl being discreet while trying to seduce the listener. The playful tone you use is perfect, by the way. You absolutely ooze sensuality during this scene. By far the most important part though, is the 1920s slang and mannerisms. That is incredible! Creating such an immersive audio is very hard to do, and you nailed literally every aspect. I couldn’t ask for a better adaptation of a time period. I really enjoyed the introduction of “Harold.” Hearing the cabaret girl’s persona slip for a moment was an early signal that this audio was more than what is expected. It works as great foreshadowing, but it’s also just fun to hear the change in demeanor. There for one minute and gone the next. Hearing the cabaret girl insult Harold was also pretty funny. The grunts you made when you were being manhandled were wonderful. Hearing the little extra details that you put into the environment is always a treat. They help make the scene feel more real. Those little details flesh out the room, and it annihilates the feeling that you’re just recording this in your studio (closet, bed, under a blanket? Haha). It starts to take the form of a radio drama from the BBC or NPR. Fantastic work! I enjoyed the obviously bullshit story the cabaret girl tried to make when the listener discovered her bruises. It seemed like something the actual character would do, and it also led to a fun sequence where her veneer of happiness is peeled off to reveal the desperate situation that she is in. The fact that she comes clean to the listener also strengthens a bond between the two. I feel myself being even more invested in her, because she decided she could trust me with something like that. I loved when the cabaret girl dropped the act and showed her real voice to the listener, especially since it’s my favorite accent of yours: The Southern accent. The change further reinforced that connection that is forming between the two. Also, hearing the girl’s backstory was really nice. Her story is heartbreaking, and manages to make me feel for a character who isn’t even real. I love when audios have lore! That’s why I love very long audios. I love being immersed in them, completely wrapped in a fantasy for 30 or 40 minutes. Don’t get me wrong, I love shorter audios too, but long audios are my absolute favorite. When we eventually get to the kisses, almost 25 minutes into the audio, they feel extra special because they were earned. The listener went through as journey of not knowing anything about this fine lass, to learning about her troubled employment, to learning about her horrifying personal story, and ending with the commitment to help her out of this sticky situation. Not to mention the fact that your kissing sounds are delightfully delicious too! Ending with the blowjob was really great. The buildup that made the kisses so great does the same for the blowjob. I loved how desperate you get towards the end as well. Let me know if you like this more stream-of-consciousness based feedback. I usually listen to an audio and then give my reaction, but this time I wrote the comment as I was listening. I’m excited for any sequels to this audio! I think you’ve built a great world here, and I’d love to see more.


First time I heard something like, "you kiss like a dream". Love the line. Your voice was very soothing.