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Thank you so much for helping me get to 15 patrons. In gratitude, here is this audio is available for patrons from every level to listen to and download to your heart's content. <3

And now, to the spiciness:

Did you really think I wouldn't catch you staring at me from your house into mine? It's okay, I'm not mad. As a matter of fact... I've been watching you, too. And I want you to fuck me. Right. Now.

(To those keeping track: yes, I dropped a few tags. It was getting a little long and I didn't want to press my luck with the lunch break the crew was taking outside, haha! Fear not, I love those tags and they will definitely appear in something else soon 😈)


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Damn ok blue!?!?!? 2 audios in a matter of 30 minutes. Well imma have fun tonight. is the construction almost over? Thank you blue


Woop woop new mic! Is this your first mic upgrade since you started recording?


Mmm you know I always deliver!! Have fun 😈 Predicted to be done this Friday, fingers crossed!!


The first upgrade from entry level hardware is always the most exciting for anything!


This will be another stream of consciousness style feedback comment. I hope you enjoy it. It’s easier for me to do it this way too, because I can listen and write in real time, instead of having to think back 30 minutes ago when I was actually hearing the words I want to compliment. This audio starts off very strong! I love the deeper voice you use. It fits the “girl next door” very well. You sound relaxed and confident, also qualities that embody the “girl next door.” The switch to a more seductive tone was sudden and delightful. When she confronts the listener about spying on her the seduction is increased to a suffocating degree. The sensuality that drips off of every syllable when she relays what happened is perfect. When she reveals that she set a honeytrap for the listener by slowly opening her blinds over the days was a lovely addition. It lets the listener know that what they did was planned by the girl, which just makes everything hotter. The amount of detail you go into when describing what the girl is wearing is amazing! I can vividly picture every aspect of that scene. Also, the ease with which you slide between seduction reassurance is completely intoxicating. I am in love with the idea that the girl is encouraging this naughty behavior and, in fact, uses her own tricks to make sure the listener behaves that way. The “girl next door” is more of a vixen in sheep’s clothing at this point in the audio, and I’m completely here for it! Your kisses, as always, are mind-meltingly divine. I feel like I say this in every comment, but it bears repeating. The passion you manage to entice out of every kiss is a wonder to my feeble mind. It makes it impossible for me to guess if you’re actually into the scene or if you’re just acting, and honestly, if I can’t tell does it even matter? All I know is that hearing those kisses sends electric excitement throughout my body. On a slightly lower (and by lower, I mean less than a micron) pedestal are your moans and whimpers. They enrapture me, and delight my ears. I think there may be better moans made by someone else, but I have yet to find them. You are a goddess when it comes to that casual eroticism that I love so much in these vanilla audios. And now, we arrive at the blowjob scene. Blowjobs are a staple of erotic audios, and for good reason! I adore them, and so do many others. Luckily, you never disappoint on those wondrous sounds, and this audio is no exception. The sucking sounds intermixed with your moans and the occasional sensual comment leave me breathless and wanting more. You get a little breathless during this part as well. I don’t know why, but hearing a performer get breathless during a scene is incredibly enthralling. I guess it’s because it means that they’re not bored? I don’t know for sure. I especially adore the rougher blowjobs, and this one gets a lot rougher in the second half. I was pleasantly surprised because I assumed it would be a gentle, sensual one throughout. Hearing you panting near the end was amazing, for reasons I failed to detail above. Finally, we arrive at the sex! It starts with a sexy question, “Thigh highs on or off?” Personally, I would’ve said on. Thigh highs are amazing. I seriously can’t detail why, but women in thigh highs is just fantastic. Picturing this vixen with thigh highs on is a real treat. Luckily, the listener chose to keep them on as well. Deciding to commit the act against the door instead of the bedroom just reinforces that this “girl next door” isn’t your average girl. She eschews the boring and strives for excitement! I like how bold she is too. According to her own words, she “doesn’t give a shit if the neighborhood hears.” I like that she takes control halfway through. She even mocks the stereotypical “girl next door,” which was absolutely hilarious. I cracked a smile and almost laughed during a very intense scene. Great job on that! It added character to an already fleshed out girl. Hearing you orgasm was an aural delight. You even managed to ground it a little with the “don’t let me fall” comment. The kissing afterwards was awesome too. I love those kisses, and it made for an excellent comedown. Fantastic work, Blue. This was amazing for a first exclusive, and I remember enjoying it just as much when I listened to it the first time. Thanks for sharing!