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Hey y'all! As always, appreciate your continued support, especially through this last month, which ended up particularly slow in terms of exclusive patron posts. I try to not beat myself up for having off-moments with my art, but at the very least want to let y'all in on what's been going on in my life, as well as set the tone for the next couple of months here.

November kicked off with BLFC, which brought all the boons of working conventions with it, at the usual price of some non-COVID con crud in the days after. Unfortunately, this developed into bronchitis, which has only subsided within the last few days, so I spent a good chunk of this month sick or hacking up gunk. Wahey!

Combine that with working on a private zine piece, Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, jury duty, and my birthday, I've seldom had time to sit down and draw, which has been making me feel a bit like a water-soaked towel without the ability to be wrung out. Here's hoping the next few weeks can prove to be a little more productive, because some productivity would do me well at this point. :')

That all being said, the holidays often tear into my time more than I care for, especially with FC right around the corner in early-mid January. I'm expecting this time (at least the period between Christmas and New Years (the gooch of the year)) to yield some more slowness, and then develop immediately into convention prep. Once I've landed back from FC, I'm back to work with no huge deadlines, obligations, or conventions on the horizons. Just me and my little comics. Deeply looking forward to it. :)

And that's all! There'll definitely be plenty of art to boot between now and then, just with some intermittent breaks and slowdowns. Until things can be in full swing again... enjoy this scruffy winter Willow. :)





oh my god it /is/ the gooch of the year


Safe journey and hope you have a peaceful and joyful holiday season! take care of yourself!