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Hello all!! I hope everyone has had a good time reading back through the comic now that it's all wrapped up! Despite the lack of updates here, I've been keeping very busy!! Between getting the book prepped for printing, stocking up for selling at a con again, and just generally getting my ducks in a row for international travel, I've had my work cut out for me. 

This coming Friday I'll be hopping on a plane bound for Germany, and setting up shop at EF 27! I'm halfway kicking myself for not having copies of A Show of the Ropes in time for the con, but I'll at least have my usual assortment of comics, shirts, prints, stickers, and dakis. Should be nice for the folks who've been holding off on my online goods because of those insane international shipping rates! I'll have my shop set up in section X1, table 07, which I believe is the cordoned off 18+ area, so please make sure to take the trip through the black curtains for little old me! :)

But it'd be a bit sad if I flew out to Germany, worked a con, and went back home, y'know? So I have a little trip planned afterward to stay at my friend's place in Berlin for the following weekend. I have a few plans to see some of the museums and historical sites, as well as maybe make an appearence at Folsom Berlin, but I'm open to suggestions if there's anything particularly cool I should see. ;)

After I get back home the following Monday, I'll be taking the week to unpack, decompress, adjust to the jetlag, and prepare for the final print of A Show of the Ropes! This includes ordering and gathering shipping supplies, writing up the listing for Etsy, and making any final adjustments I might need. With any luck, The first run of books will be available toward the end of September! Or, with even more luck, the first hard copy proof will be perfect, and I'll be able to submit the order before I even take off for Germany, and have them ready by the time I return. It's in the hands of the proofing gods now!

And after that, business as usual, save for acting as a live-in nurse for my best friend as she recovers from FFS, but that shouldn't cut into my work too bad. From there on out, it's all illustrating, comic planning, and hopefully whipping up a Beruca daki just in time for BLFC. :)

As per usual with my "I'm going on break" posts, I feel a little guilty keeping my Patreon active even though I won't be actively posting for the next few weeks. But I believe in a perfect world where artists deserve some PTO (especially after finishing a large scale project), and I have to remind myself... I'm an artist too! :')

Until then... enjoy Willow with some clay on her paws ♥



Cardinal Rose

You absolutely deserve some PTO, and I know I don't just speak for me when I say that I'm so happy to continue supporting you when you're not posting here got a few weeks!




Enjoy the PTO!


wanted to go there myself, but was a little late with ordering and didn't get any hotel :P, would have been cool to see the original artist itself. Anyway I can't wait till you finish up the comic, i will definatly buy one when you release them, so have fun and take your well deserved break


Do you have "crossing that bridge" as a print at your table?