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This one needed a splash of color, actually :)




Love love love


can i borrow him for a week ?


That's a really lovely drawing, and you're right it definitely wanted the colour ^_^




I'd love a print of this 😍😍


love...I'd love a print

Trevor Wolf

Dawwh this is so lovely!!! I adore Red's smile 💖


I thought about Them/It, But IT itself sounds like a object, I don't like to see people as an object. and THEM, it's hard, maybe I should have said Hir/shi I don't know, and English is not my Main, probably be better if I just would have said RED But definitely not IT. :3


Red always looks so good!!

Kader Wolfen

Red likes to be objectified in dom and sub play, and Beruca calls her “it” in that context. It’s absolutely a preferential pronoun for Red, at least in certain intimate situations.

Kader Wolfen

That’s a loooota cum! 😃👍


i didn't mean to make it sound bad, i just hate it when people are called It, even if i definitely can see his point of view


Just to step in and be the authority here, Red interchangeably uses they/them or it/its pronouns, whatever the context. If you’re not comfy with it/its then they/them is just fine. She/her is chill but not necessarily correct. He/him is an absolute no. Ultimately it isn't a huge deal because Red is just a fictional character! Consider it good practice with learning and adhering to folks’ pronouns so there’s less mistakes made with your irl friends :)


np, i definitely can see your point, and it's definitely not my intent to ruin your character if it looked like it that way, i can assure you it's not. I can go with they/them and i do have friends that are like red, multiple in fact, so if i made it look bad it was not my intention.

Vivid Weasel

I love traditional artforms in porn. So pretty with the sketchy lines and stuff


Awh you’re fine! I’m humbled folks enjoy my characters to begin with, much more that they remember all their pronouns! And the language barrier definitely makes it tougher too, no worries 👍


That’s a really nice splash of colour, very vibrant! 💕