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Beruca's gotta remember, this is Chloe's first rodeo 🤠




Really great, love to see this aspect of play too. Gotta remember to take care of peeps.


I can commiserate with Chloe here. I remember a time where I was getting pegged in a bondage swing and she was taking it slow warming me up until she was going at it pretty rough. It felt really good for most of the time, until it just kinda didn't. I wouldn't quite say it hurt, but the pleasurable feeling started turning to discomfort. I tried to ride it out, maybe a change in rythm or angle would help but eventually I just had to tap. Moral of the story: the libido may be willing but the booty may not be able.


I love seeing realistic kink stuff in porn!!! I love when characters explicitly negotiate the details of a scene or do little check ins or use safe words and communicate and respect boundaries!!!


Rock n roll may be cool, but establishing and respecting boundaries and safewords is a tune we can all jam to.