Wrist Injury! (Patreon)
The bane of every artist has fully and suddenly come to bite me in the ass! Even though I’m generally very diligent about stretching and exercising my money-makers, it doesn’t matter much when you sprain your wrist while bouldering. :(
I’m pretty certain I’ve got what’s called a TFCC sprain, which has a healing time of 4-6 weeks. It mostly limits how much I can rotate my wrist, my grip strength, and movements like pressing into my palms. Thankfully, none of those are really required for drawing, as that has more to do with finesse than strength, so I’m hopeful I can still draw here and there (and of course bailing out at the first sign of pain). Still, I’ll be taking today and this weekend off to let things cool down and heal up before I give that a go. I’ll report back next week with either a written update or a finished comic page!
All I ask of y’all as I heal up is to keep your patronage intact to act as a sort of sick leave, or to help me afford any doctors appointments or PT if they become necessary. :’)
Thanks as always for your support, hope to be back at it soon. ♥️