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How else are you gonna kill those 15 minutes a day? :)




that is sincerely the most adorable thing I've seen,


Train surfing


Absolutely fantastic! And right? I just spent mine today watching dashcam videos. Lol


Hrnfjfh,, forgive me while I try not to cry bahaha,, seeing such casual, sweet,, and genuine artwork from you in these themes really wrecks me emotionally ahah 💛💛 Thank you for being such a great person and sharing your visions of these otherwise private and unknowable experiences,, I feel so seen when you post a piece of trans-themed artwork, and honestly, just having that kind of comraderie, even in that kind of indirect way, means the world to me, and I'm sure it means the world to so many others, too 💛


Oh jeez. I've been accelerating towards hormones and eventually my surgeries, and pieces like this mean the world to me. Thank you so much <3


I never watched so uninterrupted YouTube in my life. I did get caught up on critical role though, so it’s not all bad. Honestly, this kind of piece is so wonderful to see. Normalising all the real and often overlooked bits of transition is so wholesome it’s almost painful. Thank you.

Philippa Taprogge

Seeing this means so much... Your art opens up whole new worlds for me right now.

pj wolf

This is just.. extremely cute.


They are precious!


Adorable <3


The hair and fur colour on the cat hitting all the right notes for me 💜 A pair of sweethearts, also the title of the post deserves a chef’s kiss.

Violet Moon

It's so nice to see art of post-op trans girls, it's so rare and as an owner of a brand spanking new neovagina, it feels really validating and makes me feel really seen. Thank you for this Glo!


Right? I went through 4 Doctor Who seasons in the hospital alone! Totally agree, the more normalization, the better for us all.