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Kicking myself a little for not writing and posting this late last week like I originally intended, but time has once again gotten away from me!

For a few days this week I'll be attending to my roommate as it gets FFS and convalesces! I promised I'd give it a ride to and from the surgery center, as well as make some batches of soup and be on call to tend to their basic needs in the few days after the surgery. 

In any case, it's bound to be a slower week than usual for producing art, so I appreciate y'all bearing with me until more time presents itself. ♥



awwwww good for it!!!!!

Trevor Wolf

All good! It is wonderfully sweet that you are taking care of it!! Best wishes to the two of you!! ❤


Take care of you and yours please!

Hannah Diaz

Ohhhh! It's the BIG DAAAAY!

Zevon Roo

You’re a good roommate


Life comes first! Let it know your patrons are thinking of it! Good luck in the surgery, as well!

pj wolf

FFS? But yeah, do whatcha gotta do!


Facial feminization surgery! (I had to google it too, I admit)


Best of wishes for it on the surgery!


Ahhhh, take all the time you need. Good luck to them on the surgery!!! <3 <3 <3


To be honest, my patronage isn't in conditional on receiving content. I thought that throwing some money at you was a more substantial way to reward you for simply existing rather than just the ethereal promise of admiration and adoration.


I was confused for a few moments as I read FFS as the more expletive based acronym, I clearly should be sleeping XD I’d echo what some others have said in that I back because you create good art not because I’m expecting it to be produced like clockwork. Although you take your work seriously I feel which would lead to high expectations of yourself. But anyway I hope it goes well for it and recovery is as good as possible. Also homemade soup, dang that sounds awesome.


np take all the time you need