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Proud of you, Chloe. :)

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Willow B


Willow B

That is so sweet


i feel a liiiiiittle called out


Absolutely adore the characters in this, it's what makes the comic so lovely! Absolutely devour each page when i get the notification :)


damn... you're characters are so... human. it's crazy how well you create and flesh out characters in your work. I'm hyped to see where this goes both in the more human aspects as well as the sexy aspects lol


That is some serious honesty there


I adore the dialogue you write, how genuine and thoughtful it is.


This one hits

Shawn McCormick

That sudden swerve into self understanding and vulnerability tho 💜🖤💜


This really hits some feelings close to home. Good writing as usual.


Wow, that's some really profound introspection! Kudos to Chloe for openly expressing herself. As others have mentioned, I really appreciate how you craft such genuine characters, Glopossum.


This is seriously good though, and kind of a mood.


Chloe is Best Dragon.

pj wolf

While I'm not sure I can relate to the dialator bit (since that's the information I'm getting from Discord folks that it's not just a dildo, but a dialator), I am liking how vulnerable Chloe is making herself seem. I guess this has become safe for her, all things considered.


this is really well written!


Did Chloe change her top in one of those panels?


I think the one you're looking at (I assume right panel of the fourth row) is a flashback as well, it's just not quite as obvious as the top right.


I really love how grounded all of this is, it really feels three dimensional and alive. Oh, to talk about kinks and sexual identity over dinner. That's the future I want for the world.


That line about understanding our own sexuality post transition, yeah that hits home. Post surgery has been quite a mental rollercoaster in terms of sexuality. It was so good to see this openly talked about.


.... Wow.


Chloe, so brave 💕 A great combination of sexy and emotional character development on this page. Also Beruca just patiently listening, rogue with a heart of gold 🥰

Pinemarten Avatar

This page is so good! Although I definitely read "click" as "cuck" because of the kerning at first and had to re-read it a bunch of times


This is good. This hits. Like the sheer amount of care and thought being put into this is really good.


This is very real and true to life. Thanks for writing such a relatable scene.


the deluge of talking makes you wonder if she had pondered on all of this before and come to these conclusions on her own, or if meeting her heroes is the first time she's putting the pieces together. She's handling this confrontation much differently than others up to this point in the comic.