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Some health insurance shenanigans went down and my surgery got pushed back two months, so it turns out I'll be active for the rest of this month. Thanks for bearing with me! :)

Edit: FWIW I'm pretty relieved to get a little more time to mentally prep lol



Gotta love insurance. But hopefully these next few months past quickly and your recovery is quicker!

Hannah Diaz

Booo, insurance shenanigans! Glad it's only two months, hopefully everything else goes smoothly though!

Trevor Wolf

Hopefully the surgery isn't needed urgently! Still wishing you the best!!


Ack I'm sorry. Fuck this hell country.

Nick H

I must have missed the first post! Either way, I’m committing to pledging to you for however long it takes. Not only do I love your art, but - I get paid when I’m out sick, and creators should have that same luxury. Do the lovely things you to in whatever capacity you’re able to do them. We’ll be here ❤️❤️❤️

Winfrey Reed

Oh no! So sorry to hear!! Insurance is a nightmare.


Insurance shenanigans make things so much FUN. As someone who had surgery this year you have my sympathies.

Shawn McCormick

Mental prep time is a good, but still, gawddamn shenanigans... 😿

Jo (FuzzyDerg)

Absolutely no problem, your health should always be top priority, our enjoyment of your work is secondary :) That said, will definitely not complain about getting more updates sooner than expected ^^


Take your time and take care of yourself, thanks for all you do!




Silver lining there at least!

pj wolf

Blessing in disguise?