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Hey y'all! Hope early autumn has been treating you as well as it's been treating me! This is absolutely my favorite time of year and I've been soaking it up however I can since it's kicked in. ♥

Normally I'd be leaning hard into the Halloween art this time of year, but life has decided to leave me with less than an ideal amount of time for work this month, for both good and bad reasons. On the plus side, my partner is going to be visiting from out of town this coming Monday and staying for a little over a week, so we're going to be soaking up that autumn air together with a few camping trips here and there! On the less fun side of things, I have a minor surgery scheduled for the 21st, which shouldn't knock me on my ass too hard, but will probably render me unable to sit comfortably for about a week after.

That leaves me with a pretty small window, this weekend and the week before my surgery, to get some work done. I'm going to prioritize working on the comic so y'all still get 2-3 pages before the end of the month, but as always I have to make sure I don't end up burning myself out. All this means if that we might be missing out on spooky art this year. ,' (

Thank you all so much for your growing support over the last few months!! Really means a lot to me and I hope I can keep the comic rolling at a healthy pace!! ♥




Wishing you swift healing. Even minor surgeries can be such a pain! Take care of yourself first and foremost.


I hope you enjoy time with your partner and the glorious pnw fall weather! Also speedy recovery! Be well, Willow! <3


Best of wishes , take care, take your time


Please be sure to be kind to yourself.


I hope your recovery goes well! Take care and don’t stress too much. :)

Trevor Wolf

Wishing you a quick recovery and a wonderful time with your partner!! Happy October (and Happy International Coffee Day!)


I hope everything goes as smoothly as it can for you this month, and we will all be thinking of you!

Winfrey Reed

Have fun with your partner!! Best of luck on your surgery and recovery too! Dunno how long you'll be in the car after, but one of those gel donut pillows might help if you don't already have one.


Stay safe and have fun!


Not burning out is very super important, and then some, the spooky season will still be awesome. Hope you have fun and speedy recovery!