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This month, we have:

Red & Beruca, gardening normally

Elise, overlooking her lover

A collection of refs for the main players of the new comic (Chloe, Red, & Beruca) ♥



Diego P

Oh! So Elise and Junip are a couple now?


So hyped for the new comic! Chloe is preciousn

Gwen The Goblin

The hopeless romantic in me hopes that Elise and Junip have a wonderfully long, and beautiful relationship together. 'cause they are cute and adorable together. Out of curiosity, is their relationship an open one? Or are they more the monogamous types?


I don’t seem to have the capacity to be mean to my characters or put them through tough times, so that’ll probably come to fruition! :F And they’re definitely open, though Junip is a lot more adventurous than Elise, for sure!

pj wolf

Didn't Junip have, like, another lover/boyfriend? Was that one before Elise or after?


Nothing quite as official as this! He definitely does get around though ;)