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So you've gotten into the habit of freeballing when you go to the gym. That's fine! For how huge your equine package is, the shorts you wear aren't distractingly form-fitting and, for the most part, you can get away with it. Maybe there's some suggestive swaying while you're jogging, but you also know better than to work out at peak hours. There's maybe a dozen people here to see the show.

And then, you think, I'm gonna hop on Wish and look for a new pair of gym shorts! Nothing special, just something cute and cheap. After all, variety is the spice of life, and maybe this cute pair of robin's-egg-blue running shorts would be a welcome break from the monochrome of your current gym wardrobe. They arrive in the mail, they're cute, they were $3.

You, Jules, are a clydesdale. Those workhorse genes run in your blood, and that's reflected in the fact that you're very casually lifting 300 pounds worth of plates on the incline leg press. You were nearly done with your last set when–


Cheap clothing doing what cheap clothes do best. That was a rip, and as much as you might hope for it to be small, the turbulent air from the ceiling fans suddenly brushing against and your balls says otherwise. Maybe it's not noticeable, you think, just before you feel that cool air now creeping further down your nethers. I hope you brought a backup pair of anything, or at least learned some serious lessons, Jules!



Jason Blake

Fffff that donut. Perfect <3


Wish: A dangerous app in more ways than one! :P