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With my sketchstreams all wrapped up, it's time for a little break! As I mentioned in my last major update, I'm going to be taking the next few weeks off from work. From the 9th-17th, I'll be back home visiting family, and then hosting a friend almost immediately upon my return from the 20th-23rd, with plenty of gardening in between. :)

However, I intend on getting Regular Orders wrapped up and formatted for print before then! Crossing my fingers and bridges that I'll have a hard copy proof to pore over once I'm back from CO, and available for y'all to purchase at the beginning of June! I'm also thinking it may be a good idea for me to take some pre-orders this time around... but of course y'all will be the first to know if and when that happens!

Once I'm back in town and the dust has settled, it's full steam ahead on the next big comic, starting with updated character refs, finetuning the writing, and kicking off the first few pages... until Anthrocon happens in July!

If you'd like to contribute to the Glopossum PTO fund, all I ask is that you keep your pledges intact for the rest of the month! But I won't hold it against you if you'd like to suspend payments until I'm updating on the regular again. Either way, thank you as always for your support here, and I'll see y'all again toward the end of the month ♥♥


CrystalBear (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-15 15:27:18 I hope you have some good R&R after drawing art for people who donated to your charity fundraiser.
2024-05-07 18:28:03 I hope you have some good R&R after drawing art for people who donated to your charity fundraiser.

I hope you have some good R&R after drawing art for people who donated to your charity fundraiser.


have a lovely break!