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Helloooo patrons, and happy spring! With my little follow-up to A Show of the Ropes now wrapped up, and a convention just around the corner, it felt like the perfect time to rest for a moment and set some goals for the next few months. :)

As I've mentioned over on Twitter, I'll be attending and dealing at Las Vegas Fur Con this coming weekend! I'll be hidden away in the adult dealers area, so if you find yourself at the con, please take a moment to say hello! I'll have my usual assortment of books, stickers, dakis, and shirts (albeit in limited sizes), as well as my new Beruca daki! Excited to see what such a new convention has to offer, should be an awesome time. ♥

Once I've returned home and the dust has settled, there's a few things I'd like to take care of! First and foremost, I want to whip up some proper listing photos for the Beruca daki, and have it available to purchase on my Etsy for everyone who missed the limited pre-sale period. The funds from the pre-sale allowed me to purchase a pretty generous overstock, so there should be plenty for all you Beruca fans! :)

I also want to hit the ground running with getting Regular Orders to print! As well as the usual cover/back cover, I want to whip up a follow-up illustration or two to include in the physical book. I'm hoping that the shorter length + less demanding printing/binding means I can offer them for relatively cheap (aiming for something like $15), but I'll know for sure once the printing process is a little further along! Either way, I hope to have something pieced togther by the end of April, and available to buy sometime in May!

And speaking of May, I'll be taking a trip back home to visit family from the 9th to the 17th, and then hosting a friend until the 23rd! I'm thinking of this as my "Glopossum Official Post-Comic PTO Moment of Rest and Relaxation," after which I'll be starting up my next larger comic! This will give me ample time to more thoroughly write and plan it out, something I find I haven't been allotting myself enough time for with past projects. But besides writing, there's something else I'd like to make time for in the month of April: sketch commissions!

Earlier this year I agreed to collaborate with my mom (momma possum!! 🥺) on a fundraiser she's participating in, raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I couldn't think of a better way to raise funds on my end than to bring back my long-dormant sketchstreams, wherein I take 2-3 live commissions and finish 'em up on the spot, with the key difference being that all proceeds go to the LLS! These will be patron-exclusive, and I will announce details & dates for these sometime after LVFC. :)

Anything beyond that and I think I might be pushing it a little too hard before my little vacation, so hopefully that'll keep me pleasantly busied 'til then! While I can't wait to rest... I also can't wait to get rolling on the next comic project, I'm really truly excited to share!! ♥♥

Take care and have a beautiful spring season, y'all! Go plant some vegetables and native wildflowers for me, k? ;)



pj wolf

I hope you have a great trip and a great rest


I have a family member who just beat lymphoma and would love to be able to help such a cause and get a cute commission!