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so as some of you know i graduated university in 2019 and have been looking for a full time job since with no luck (the canadian economy is shit atm and the pandemic didn’t help either). i’ve been living off my savings and some help from my parents but between car insurance, gas, my phone bill and my student debt things have been strained. I don’t qualify for unemployment insurance either and I’ve nearly run through my savings. Suffice it to say, things have been hard for me financially.

i just wanted to quickly explain my situation so you can understand why but tl;dr i’m going to be doing early access for my cc (via patreon) starting june 1, 2021at least until i can find a full-time job. I know this may seem strange based on my stance about early access in the past, but i’m in a situation now where i need some source of income and this was most feasible.

how it’s going to work:

i will be doing a $1 tier and $3 tier, both tiers will have the benefit of getting access to my cc 1 week early, after which it will be completely free for everyone. I’m aiming to post cc 3-4 times a month, i hope this is reasonable and i really appreciate any support i get 💖 



Would you ever do commissions?

Lena Marie

I'm sorry you're going through this! And I think early access is a good compromise :)


i sincerely hope your situation gets better !!


I hope you find work soon!


I hope you can find a job soon! I can relate with Finland being in such a slump too. Wishing you all the best!


thank you guys! i really appreciate the support and kind words <3

Miss Faye

Just updated my tier contribution! Will try to up it again as soon as I can. ❤️


bb I will definitely sub to you cause you’re such a genuine mf


Hang in there, I've definitely been in that situation and I'm barely crawling out now. You're a very talented creator and I've always admired your work <3 Once my paychecks become a bit more steady I'll try to up my tier! Thank you for your awesome cc and take care :3


ik 1$ isn't much but i hope it will still help <3

Brandi Jo Hovey

I completely get it! Here in NM they want people, but the people who apply don't get the job... For something very minor. I love your hairs and would be an honor to help someone out for their hard work. Just keep it up! Things will calm down soon!


Hey! I totally understand, I wish you good luck and all the best in your job search! I decided to support you with 3$ it's not much but if it helps you it makes me happy, you're doing an amazing job <3