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I hope you've all been enjoying your holidays and are feeling refreshed coming into the new year!

I want to talk about something important changes coming to my patreon in February!

I feel like I have come a long way with modding and the prices for my tiers are going to increase as follows:

  • The World: Will be adjusted to $15. This is the first, only, and last price adjustment I will ever make to my patreon for the foreseeable future. Charging $10 for all of my work was always meant to be temporary because I felt as though my quality struggled to keep up with that of other modders. I no longer feel this way. That being said, I will never charge more than this for my entire patreon catalogue.
  • The Star: Will be adjusted to $20. This tier gets no mods past those also released to The World and is to donate more to me and my work. In addition, this tier will get the opportunity to share inspiration with me for a chance to get something you want made! There's a special channel in the server for this role and you're always free to use it as a priority contact line to myself. If I ever open commissions, this tier also gets first priority.

Thank you all so much for your support in 2023! I appreciate every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you sticking by me through my learning process and I hope I can offer you exciting creations heading into 2024! I'm very excited for things to come 🥰💕

(again, these changes will come in FEBRUARY and none of you will be affected for this month)


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