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A whole new year, a whole new idea to shake things up. 

I've dabbled and thought about picking something for a patron goal for some time and never really knew what to pick... until now! So what's the idea?

A demake of Chrono trigger when we hit 100 patrons. 

It might sound simple but the demake I have in mind, well. It wouldn't be an 8 square, not even a 16 square, but something more like a 32 square demake, with a double digit amount of GB song covers and the most interactivity you'll have seen yet! 

We're currently over half way there so with some luck we'll get there within the year! 

If you know anyone with a slither of a fascination with Chrono Trigger and/or the Gameboy, maybe send them this way and we can get there sooner =]. 





I've done a few test screens/sprites to dip my toe into the zeal themed waters, and let me tell you, both challenging and exciting ;D.