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The Gameboy has a plethora of 2D games, a handful of 3D games, but only a single 4D game... Blinx the Time Sweeper!

Ending 2022 with Balan Wonderworld, a game where one of the producers and artists was Naoto Ohshima, to kicking off 2023 with Blinx: The Time Sweeper, which was directed by Naoto Ohshima, makes for a nice inverse bookending! 

So yes, Blinx, a game I had for nearly two decades thought was a collectathon platformer akin to Banjo Kazooie or even more of the actiony platformer types of Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank. I was in fact surprised to find out thanks to catching a stream of the game by Altermentality that this was nothing like the collectathon games I was comparing it to! 

No, instead Blinx throws you into levels with the goal of completing it within 10 minutes and is a much more arcadey fair! I do wonder if stylising it as more like Sunshine/kazooie would have done the game any better, or if that's just a "it would have been better because *I* like collectathon platformers" 

Food for thought! 

Either way the game has really solid art direction and I'm always a fan of games that use time not only in mechanics but also story. 




Same! It's such a cute design, it seems very at home on the Game Boy. Someone said they had dreamt of a GBA Blinx game before and that seems like such a match made in heaven! Can't explain why but Blinx to me has GBA energy haha!

Stop Skeletons From Fighting

So I've never actually played Blinx, is it this cute and charming? Always got a 90's edgy vibe from it


Haha I've still not played it myself. It's odd judging from most of the ad campaigns for the game it does make you believe Blinx is going to be a wise cracking sonic/gex/bubsy type thing. From the (very few) cutscenes I've seen Blinx doesn't seem have any of the radicaltudeage that Sonic hoisted as the main flag. If anything Blinx seems closer to Klonoa than most other games I could think of!