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Picture 1: Shireen is an aspiring sorceress who goes to magic school. She loved her studies very much and therefore worked hard to achieve her dream of becoming a real sorceress. And she did it, because she was one of the best students in the school. But one thing bothered her, it was her small breasts. She was not a fan of big breasts, but she wanted her breasts to be bigger. In addition, many of the schoolchildren had good big breasts. And this awakened envy in Shireen.
But one day, Shireen heard, walking down the corridor, someone talking about a secret library that contains many different powerful books, among which was a book about body changes. Shireen was delighted and decided to try to find this library.
Several weeks passed and she finally found this library. She searched all the shelves and finally found the book she needed. She opened this book and opened the correct section on changing breast size, and began to study this section.

Picture 2: Shireen began preparing for the ritual, but suddenly a strong wind blew and she noticed an open window at the end of the room. Shireen went to the window and closed it and returned to the book and continued preparing for the ritual. In a few minutes she was ready.
Shireen chanted the spell and began performing the ritual. She finished the ritual and the final action was to touch the burning circle that appeared a centimeter from the book, which she did.
At the same time as Shireen touched the ring, she felt a sharp pain and increasing pressure in the lower abdomen.

Picture 3: With every minute the pain and pressure increased, bringing discomfort to Shireen. She looked down and saw that her belly had grown and it scared her. She put her hands on her stomachs and felt him continue to grow.
Shireen didn't understand how this could happen and then she looked at the book and a page related to pregnancy was opened. She turned a few pages and saw the pages about breast resizing and she knew right away. Most likely, the wind from the open window turned a couple of pages and she, without checking, continued preparing for the ritual.

Picture 4: After a while, Shireen's belly grew even larger. The pain subsided, but the pressure still brought her severe discomfort, but she endured and waited for it to end.
The worst thing for her is that she didn't know how big she could get. She could be pregnant with one child, or two or even three. And this uncertainty made Shireen nervous.

Picture 5: After a certain time, the growth stopped, and the pain and pressure and discomfort completely disappeared. After the pain subsided, Shireen felt a pleasant feeling of warmth in her stomach, a feeling of new life dawning.
She started stroking her pregnant belly and suddenly felt a kick and it made her smile. Although it happened by mistake, she is glad it happened to her. She realized that she liked being pregnant, feeling new life in her womb. She would gladly do it again

For better viewing: https://www.deviantart.com/kot228/gallery/78883450/wrong-ritual

Character: Shireen




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