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After a lot of thinking, I've decided on what I will be doing moving forward

My Twitter will now solely be posting teasers of my NSFW content as SFW versions.  I'll be creating NSFW content still, it will just be exclusive to Patreon, and will not be available publicly. 

So no more full on nudity will exist on my Twitter account anymore. I'll also be using other VR games to record content instead of VRChat from here on out, and potentially even animating my content moving forward to avoid another ban. 

I likely will not be deleting the older videos on Udrop, but I'd still suggest saving the ones you like the most as they might not stay up forever.

This should prevent all rules from being broken and not result in me being banned. I'm taking precautions, but if it happens, I've since back up almost all of my files and am prepared for this to potentially take place. It's a risk, but one I'm willing to take. It's important to me to make content you all enjoy, and it's unfortunate that I can't post nudity on Twitter anymore, but it will be available through other platforms very soon. 

Hopefully this all makes sense, I'll stop pinging for a while, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day ♥


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