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Hello friends,

I apologize to friends for the delay in posting here on Patreon.

Recently my access to my Patreon account was blocked due to NSFW content reports.

I had to do everything possible and impossible to regain my access and luckily I managed to regain access. Unfortunately it's been more than a month of lockdown.

I apologize again for you going through situations like this, but don't worry that I will post daily (as much as possible) to try to keep the account alive again.

Patreon policies have changed and I'm starting to look for another platform with this format to transfer my content there, but for now I'm going to stay firm and active here.

Many thanks to all my friends.

Keep this incredible sketch of this character that I had the pleasure of drawing during this period of absence.




You can create a private telegram or discord group (don't use the patreon integrations) and then invite and create channels based on tiers and then roles to access those tiers. Did patreon change the Nsfw rules? Did you violate something ?


I'm thinking about it. I'm going to need to do something, because this last month even the payments were blocked. Almost every week I get a notification about my content. I don't know what it could be, I take all the care in the world to keep everything private for subscribers only. Last time I was blocked for almost a month and I had to make a million changes and send documentation proving my identity and several other things. The problem is that every time something like this happens, it's always the same bureaucracy and that has hurt me a lot. I need to calmly analyze all the possibilities, but thank you very much for your comment my friend.