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Hello friends,

I present to you another news from Patreon Lorkalt. THE SHORT STORIES.

SHORT STORIES are pieces of one comic page where we will present some characters in unusual situations.

Here on this page we have two characters from Lorkaltverse. Bjorn and Yan interacting in a relaxed way in the middle of their daily lives. A short play from an NSFW Comedy.

In SHORT STORIES everything is possible, what really matters here is precisely your creativity. And that is exactly what you must be thinking, SHORT STORIES will be adventures that you will create and I will have the honor to design them by doing the necessary editions and drawings.

But how will it work?

Well, the scheme is very simple.

You will make short stories with dialogues, interactions between the characters, description of scenes and all the details that make up a comic page.

The idea is to make just one page, a simple and quick scene, a plot that starts and ends on a comic page with a maximum of 7 frames.

You will send your ideas to the email lorkalt@yahoo.com.br with the title SHORT STORIES LORKALT. In the message you will send the script for this short story.

I will read each message (remembering that the messages must be short, that is, dialogue and script for just one comic page) and I will select the 5 most interesting stories for me. The scripts that I will select will be stories that I will read and try to imagine what they will look like if they are done in a comic story format and according to my drawing style.

 These 5 selected stories will be posted here in Patreon in a poll format and the most voted story will be the page drawn that week.

The idea is to have at least two pages of SHORT STORIES per month. This is another way to make all the members of Patreon Lorkalt interact with each other and get to know the high level of writers and writers who are part of our dear group of friends.

As I said above, SHORT STORIES participation will be open to all members of Patreon Lorkalt.

Therefore, from today (November 25, 2020) until December 3, 2020, the submission period for the scripts that will be selected by me will be open. The first SHORT STORIES poll will open at Patreon on December 5th and will end on December 8th.

If all goes well, we will soon start sending new scripts for the second round of SHORT STORIES.

The idea is to post at least two pages of SHORT STORIES per month on our Patreon Lorkalt.

In this first moment we will continue to work with Comedy (it can be SFW or NSFW), so I ask friends who are interested to send me comedy scripts, short jokes, funny situations involving sex. The characters that will participate in this game will be your own characters or some other character that you want to include in this game. Here we will be able to work with pop culture characters following Rule 34. It is important to remember again that the scripts will have to have only one page with a maximum of 7 comics.

After this first experience, the idea is to work with various themes, such as:

- Action (in SFW and NSFW format);

- Terror (in SFW and NSFW format);

- Fiction (in SFW and NSFW format);

- Fantasia (in SFW and NSFW format);

- Comedy (in SFW and NSFW format);

Other themes may be added in the future. The time has come to see your creativity being touched to the extreme. Participate my friends :)

If you have any questions, criticisms and / or suggestions, please just contact me here at Patreon or by email lorkalt@yahoo.com.br

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this comic page between Bjorn and Yan.

Thanks to all the friends for the great participation and I will be waiting for your messages :)


Leandro Lorkalt



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