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Hello my friends,

I apologize a thousand for my absence in the past few days.

Unfortunately the last month (August 2020) was terrible for me, both in my professional life and in my personal life.

I managed to let some friends know about what was going on in that period. Unfortunately I was unable to warn everyone, so I would like to leave a small note of clarification and accountability here.

I recently lost two pets and these losses have really let me down. One of the significant losses was the death of a Belgian Shepherdess named Konan (victim of breast cancer), a wonderful dog who accompanied me for 10 years, a creature that went far beyond a simple pet. She was a true friend and a great companion.

The other loss was due to the bizarre acts of a neighbor son of a bitch (I apologize for the language). I have a Bull Terrier (called Kami) and she was pregnant. Thank goodness she gave birth to 4 beautiful puppies.

One day this neighbor put a dog in his backyard (bordering my backyard) that dog was stressed and barked practically all day and this made the mother Bull Terrier stressed and in a psychotic break she killed one of her you breed.

Days later this neighbor decided to do a construction/renovation in this backyard and with that he destroyed part of my house. I was unable to live and work in this environment. With that I had to organize myself and make a change of residence and office practically overnight.

The stress caused by all these problems and this sudden change destabilized me emotionally and I got sick. I didn't think this health problem was going to be anything serious, but I wasn't able to concentrate on work and maintain my quality of life.

Thank God today I am living in a very quiet place where I was able to set up an office better than the old one. In a way there are always evils that come for our good.

The worst part was that the health problems were not over. After a few days of worsening I found out that I was with Covid. Unfortunately this damn disease hit me, no matter how much I took care of myself and avoided any kind of exposure.

I was really bad for a few days, but thanks to God I managed to recover and it is for this reason that I come here to apologize for my delays and to thank all the friends who have always trusted me and my work.

Several friends helped and stimulated me during this period without even knowing what was happening to me. The Nexus team was a real family offering me all the support that helped me to look forward during this very difficult period.

To the friends of our Patreon, I can only say that you are incredible and I am indebted to you all. You are not just customers or anonymous to me, you are friends that I will take with me for the rest of my life. I am indebted to each of you and I will find a way to reward everyone for the help you have given me during all these moments of extreme difficulty. May God always bless you my friends.

Finally, I would like to ask Ultra Friends to send me requests for September rewards. Some friends did not send me orders for August and I would like to ask you not to worry, ok? You can send the reward requests and I will do my best here to serve you all.

There are some reward commissions that will be sent later this month, I ask friends who have not yet received to contact us by email lorkalt@yahoo.com.br

Friends I am indebted to you. I never thought that this Patreon project was going to put me face to face with as many good people as the people I have here by my side and I swear it made me overcome several bad moments that I had in the last few days.

In the coming weeks I will be returning to normal programming here at Patreon. I'm prioritizing our special comic from Patreon (which is already overdue) and drawing tutorials, in addition to the delivery of this month's rewards.

Thanks to all the friends and please excuse me for the gigantic text, but I would like everyone to know the details of everything that happened to me in the last few days :)


Leandro Lorkalt



randomist9363 (formerly A.W.N.)

Unless any of your recent hardships were in your complete control, which they clearly weren't, then you have no reason to apologise to us for an extremely late schedule. So stop worrying that you're letting us down, when you're trying your best to keep yourself standing upright. I'm not pulling my pledge, nor will I force a commission onto you, until things get better for you...


I'm so sorry to hear all that. I hope you are better now and I wish things go even better for you. Please take lots of care!