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Hey guys, How have you guys been?

I've been working on finishing my combat fundamentals task for 2.5 weeks and things are going well right now. 

The combat fundamentals are at 90% ready now, just a few more stuff and it'll hit 95% but it'll freeze there because I may add more into combat in the future. 

I soon will start to work on something other than combat after the combat fundamentals hit 95%. I'm still not sure what I'll work on next between continuing mutant models task or character creation system, so what do you guys want to see first between these 2?

Now I can confirm that the next build will be focused on the overhauled combat systems, animation system, character creation system and the introduction of plugin system. There won't be anything new that much beside the improvements of the existing contents/systems because I need to get all the fundamentals in place before adding the actual contents into the game.

Come, let's take a look at what I've done since the last 2 weeks.


Updated Struggle Sequence System and some of the actual plan I have right now.
Now, player can break free instantly by using the Utility Tool. Player will be able to perform this action once and then wait for 1-2 mins cool down timer. Instant Break Free will do damage to the enemy up to 50% of their HP as maximum (based on their defense LV and buff/debuff)

Failing to break free most of the time will get your character infected by the abominable worm parasites which will lead your character to be MIA. The game will force player to play as another available character in your team to continue the mission. Player will be able to rescue the MIA characters once the player has investigated for the clues of where they are or just retrieve their inventory/asset instead (their inventory will be dropped at the last known location) 

Player will encounter the MIA characters as infected (half insane half conscious) if they got the parasites, they will sometime try to attack player or even ask player to finish them off or just laying on the floor unconscious. 

Player will need to use drone to carry them back to safe zone and they have to be unconscious. Player will need to use non lethal weapons such as Tazer to stop them otherwise player will kill them with the lethal weapons.

Curing infected character will take 3 in game days - 1 in game week based on the corporations you are part with. Not sure if rescue mission will have timer like a real time week before they are 100% possessed by parasites which makes them incurable, I find it too punishing.

Player will be able to recruit the KIA characters again but their LV will be reset to 1.
Player will be able to recruit the custom character that player has created too.

This will expand more with mods, this plan is for the base contents and mods will be built on the base contents.

Updated Dodging/Evading System
The dodging is now very responsive and the Operator Device (on the back-right shoulder) can finally detect the incoming threats from all directions. 

There is a subtle beep sound and ! icon right before the mutant throws a punch at player. Only physically threat such as a punch or any melee attack can be detected. 

Player now has more chance to survive and deal with a group of enemies IF player is fast enough to dodge all the attacks, best is to avoid getting ganged by the end of the day.

Updated Finisher Sequence System
Nothing much to this but I've finished 2 more finisher moves for this with updated blood effects to be more bloody, also the blood decal effect on the floor is back. 

I'll update the shiv stab sound effect too, the current one is a bit too bombastic like something just exploded rather than stabbing the body.

Riposte System
Player is now able to perform riposte when the enemy is unaware, both from front or behind. It's kind of Stealth Sequence System. Riposte will 1 shot most of the enemies btw. 

Right now it uses finisher moveset but it'll have it own riposte moveset in the near future. The riposte will use Knife instead of other utility tools. (Knife is gonna be the mandatory tool that player is unable to unequip beside changing the knife)

World Sequence System/Obstacle System
Now, navigating the area will feel much more cinematic than before. Only human and some mutant enemies will be able to get through this kind of environments/obstacles. This might be useful against the big foes that are unable to get through this kind of obstacles. 

Updated Interaction UI

The Interaction UI is now screen space but is still being part of world object. Interaction system is now 4+ keys supported instead of only 1 key supported. This updated interaction system allows me to add instant break free action into the Struggle Sequence Interaction for example. Easier to see too.

That's all for today, not sure if I forgot a few more stuff to report here, I hope I've covered all stuff I've done so far.

I'll also drop a few more rough OGZ sketches next post btw.

Sorry for being late and not so active on patreon, I've been dropping progress posts pretty much everywhere.

I hope you guys enjoyed the stuff I've done so far.
See you guys next post, have a nice day.


OGZ World Sequence and System Improvements



thank you for hang on this great project. i think that must be hundrets of hours to create such a complex game. Its a difficult question. i would like to see both of the options. ;-) i would say feel free. Work on the option with the most fun factor for yourself.

Dar Lock

Character customization would be awesome though the character models you make are also great.

Martin Jefferdson

This looks waaayy to good! Like watching a behind the scenes of recent AAA games :D


Dude keep it up these Progress Reports feel like banger after banger <3