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Hey guys, how are you guys doing?

This last 2 weeks I've been mocapping and updating most of OGZ framework/system and especially combat and animation system and I'm quite satisfied with the current result now. I've a plan to drop another build on patreon in a few months if nothing bad unexpectedly happen. I'm aiming to add +10 new enemies (+3 new enemy types) for the next build but you guys may need to install the plugin to access to the unofficial/uncensored contents such as adult stuff (next build might not contain anything new to adult stuff btw, or it'll get a bit updated)

With the current tech I have especially mocap suit, those boosted a lot of development speed and if I've got even higher budget, I'd buy more tech, so the development tool will be even more ready (but this right now might be the fastest)
I may need to buy a treadmill to do walk/run mocap animations btw (required)

Here let's take a look at what I've done in the last 2 weeks.

Combat System
This system was originally at 25% ready but within 2 weeks this system is now at 65% ready due to the mocap tech. Firearm now can do melee and has Durability same as melee weapons. Player now can do the melee combo with firearm weapons.
Low firearm's durability will reduce the accuracy and fire distance and will eventually cause jamming or malfunction. Firearm can't charge attack, parry, block and has low melee DMP (Damage Point) comparing to melee weapons.
Blind aim mechanic got updated and will lock on similar to melee weapon's lock on but the blind shot accuracy is so low that you will never hit the target 10m away (now it is designed for close ranged combat)
Melee now can dash, kick, charge attack and also has window input move where player continued the combo 0.35 sec after basic combo to active alternative combo which has 2 times more DMP than basic combo.
Dash and kick have the very high CP (Critical Point) which will cause the opponent to lose the stance and combo and eventually ragdoll if CP is maxed out.

AI enemy is now much more aggressive than before, I just wanted to make it lore accurate.

The mutants now are super hard to cause them ragdoll because they are very strong (lore accurate); kick and dash attack will be very useful if player wants to have a clean shot of the opponent or cause them to ragdoll. Note that mutants now can also kick and push and it works the same to human characters.

Mutants now can attack all directions, they now also have front and backside attack moves and the reach distance is now 5m-7m (original at 3m) which means them attack moves can reach the opponent 5m-7m away.

Perfect dodge slow motion also got updated.

Environmental Collision is added into melee system which means, if player throws a melee attack too close to the environment, it'll reflex back and consume durability of the weapon.

I did a few updates to the animation system but you guys can see that the character idle animations are changed when they are firing weapon which makes them even more human. You guys can also see that the character has exhausted idle animation when the character has low SP or HP.

I've also reworked most of the character movement by mocap anims, I did mocap performance for every character movement in the video (beside walk and run)

I also fixed a few bugs and issues btw.

Mercenary mode isn't gonna be open world but a multi-region exploration similar to MHW (Monster Hunter World); also player must accept one of the available missions at the base before departure to the specific area similar to MHW. There will be an exploration mission that's basically a free-roam mission with no timer.

I'm planning to add built-in weekly/holiday update system where the game will generate discount, boost exp/credit and create special random mission weekly or based on holidays.

Mutants will be able to throw parasites and parasite will be a unique character. Without the host, the parasite is very weak, one kick will be enough to kill a parasite. A parasite will show up at the chest of a mutant when a mutant is about to die, so when the mutant dies, sometime a parasite will try to find the nearby suitable body but a parasite will be able to change host once. 

Lore and Setting
Mercenary mode was originally planned to set in Sector 101 but now it is set outside between of all sectors in the post all-out war no man's land instead of 10km square inside S101. This setting will be more open for the various world/area design.
Player won't be able to enter any sector btw but 2 of the sectors (S101 and S104) are in ruined because of war and outbreak. S102, S103, S105 are still fine and people inside are still normally living and working.

That's it for today. I'll continue mutant tasks after 11st of this month. I hope you guys enjoyed the progress so far.
Have a nice day.


OGZ Test Overhauled Combat



Bullet time looks amazing! Good job. Maybe can consider that's a "perfect dodge" and could do some special move such as counterattack ?


good idea

เจ เล่ย์

smooth!!!! I really love shove and kick animation😁 gore option? btw nice work


Gore is planned btw, creatures and mutants will have dismemberment system (not sure about human tho)


Good work. But i had to say that, though the action is pretty good, you need to clear about what is the core of your work. There are so many good game designs out there and the truth is you can't have them all. "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" has excellent melee action design, but at the same time it provides almost all the supporting design you can see, from the environment, interaction, to enemies, to make the action "useful". If you focus on melee action design, some or even most of the enemy's behavior pattern will be closer to melee, then the original guns and long-range shooting part will be weakened. Of course, you can choose to "have it all," but that takes time and costs to support. I have to remind you that this is a Patreon project with an r18 tag, though I like your work, though the members can wait, but there are not obligated to wait indefinitely.


Further more, put r18 part aside, the expectation I got from the hype and the previous update was that it would be a TPS game similar to "The Division", and I believe that most of the members came from the previous update had at least some of the same impressions and expectations. But I haven't seen an update on this in a long time.