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Hey guys how are you guys doing.
This time I had to drop this for free because I've failed to finish the team management in time and I'm so sorry about this BUT I did update and enhance the whole base systems of UI systems preparing for the whole big new contents to the gameplay. It's hard to show my progress this time because most of those are just UI codes and functions. Here at least I still got something to update here.

The test footage was recorded from in-engine and the performance may look bad, it was captured in 720p. Due to the bugs on main menu screen for the shipping build, I had to record the test footage from in-engine instead.

User Interface:
UI System: I updated the navigation system and now players will have to click the button to browse the menu, not just hover the button like before. I also updated the designs for all menu and enhanced the performance for all UI systems.

Recruit Menu:

This menu is important but might not be the most important. The recruit menu will allow you to recruit more staffs/operators into your team. Recruiting will use your team's supplies depending on their level, traits and skills. Players will have to assign the staffs into each Unit and when the Unit is good to go, they will run stuff and generate daily loot for players. Daily loots are very important because most of the daily loot items will be very difficult to find outside and daily loot items will be mainly used for advanced crafting.

Assign Item Menu:

This menu is required because every menu that's involving in picking item will have to use this UI. This UI will be used with a lot of menu such as Assign Staff, Assign Daily Loot, Assign Recruit Supplies and Traits and many more.

I did some small update to the movement animations and the character is now looking heavier during jogging/sprinting.

I'm updating the character rig too because this new rig will be used with both male and female characters.

Above is the updated Rig that will be used in game engine soon especially when I work on the character models.

This one is the old/current rig, the knee parts are destroyed. It looks horrible indeed.


I have increased Specular to make the world look a bit more wet. This might be the actual lighting for S101 weathers, I'm now kind of satisfied with the look of weather.


Another outfit concept art for operators. Left is gonna be a set of clothes (Northern Union set) and right is just a bodysuit (advanced bodysuit) with no other clothes equipped.

Goal and Identity of OGZ:
I really want this game to be able to standout on its own and I want this game to be like other video games you guys seen on Youtube rather than just a mere sex game on adult sites. Sexual Contents for OGZ is not the core of the main contents and it's more of additional contents for world building elements, it's not toned down by any mean but it's just not focused, the game will focus on the actual gameplay and world building and political aspect in a fictional timeline more. (Something like Game of Throne)
This game is still aiming for adult and mainstream audience and still has sex but players will be able to completely ignore the sexual stuff and enjoy other contents, sexual contents will still be everywhere if players are looking for it (it just won't get introduced publicly)
I hope you guys will support me and invest in this project for the overall game quality and not only for specific contents such as sexual stuff. Now I'm aiming to create good game and not only sex sells.

That's it for today, I hope you guys enjoy my progress.
Have a good day. -Matto


OGZ Test 25



Definitely enjoying how the game looks as well as the overall atmosphere. I'd say this can more than likely hold up really well and may be able to follow in the footsteps of Baldur's Gate 3 if done right.
