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Hi all, how are you guys doing today!?
Hope you guys are still happy after a long quiet from me (I'm really sorry for this)

This was supposed to be an update post for Christmas Day and my birthday but I think I was too late now.

I've lost 50% of the project files and that requires me to recreate a lot of stuff from scratch, This is the opportunity for me to fix the issues that couldn't be fixed from start.  

Here, these are the new 'playable' characters. 2 characters from the left are not the official designs (The face is the default model, not the actual face for these characters btw)

I'm planning to change the gameplay from 'Side Scroller Game' to 'Third Person Game' like MGS 3/4 mixing with 'Monster Hunter World's' mechanics (like randomly generated quest system or more) I'll show you guys the footage soon when it's ready. (I'm still not decided the genre for this new PE yet, I'd like to hear your guys opinions first and of course the game is not going to get bigger btw so don't worry about the development time.)

But since I have to recreate a lot of stuff from scratch (again), I'd like to not continue billing the patrons until the progress of New PE is greater than the original one, if you guys agreed with me about this.

Hope you guys like these new look of the character arts
Have a nice day and thank you! 




Im happy about to change to third person, and i dont have any problem with billing, you deserve the support.

Keks Dose

Now what in the hell is this with you not accepting money ? You better get those payments, or else I will find you and smack those dollars in your mailbox. :) Jokes aside, It's alright. Shit happens. Please continue your work, even if you lost some files. Can only get better. The models are beautiful. Happy Birthday btw. Hope you could celebrate atleast a little.


We keep telling you to take our monthly contributions lol


I really enjoyed the new designs. You have a cool art style when it comes to your environment, weapons, armor and clothing. I feel like these designs allow us to see more of your art style to pop out. Good work man hope everything turns out fine at your end also I'm fine with getting billed.


Not sure how I feel about the change to 3rd Person, you've now increased complexity dramatically with that decision but.. it's your project, you know best. Those designs do look fantastic! Always felt the current MC design was too unrealistically skimpy.


These girls are amazingly hot!! I really hope you put these gals in that 3rd Person game as well if your thinking of returning. 😁 I just had to pledge just to comment to show how hot and kool they look. 😍 Wish you the best.


I enjoy the work you put into this project. I approve in your change for the game to have third person elements as it give the player more freedom for other interactions. Of course don't stress yourself out and work at your own pace. Wish you the best and I look forward in what you have planned next!


I think it looked amazing as a sidescroller game but a 3rd person view is ok too. Your models and animations are what makes the game really good anyway.


Honestly, I hope the game keep being a side scroller since I like the genre more and that was what lead me to find this project. But I support your decision anw.

Tom Williams

Awesome stuff, I'm happy to keep paying too


I don't mind to keep supporting this project.


While a 3D game would be cool, that is a substantial increase in complexity. I do not think you would need to give up the idea of 2D side-scrolling movement to create a deeper-feeling environment, if that is the concern. There's a few things you could do now to give a better feeling of exploration without going to full 3D movement. For instance, you might retain the 2D movement along hallways and have small rooms where movement is free, but the camera is locked overhead. This, combined with hallways that connect naturally to one another - that is to say, going around a corner actually changes the character's direction instead of teleporting them to a new "hallway", would do much to give it a more 3D feel without needing to worry about the physics of a full 3D environment. That said, some 2.5D games feel much better to play and control than 3D games, and I think there is something to be considered there. Ultimately, it's down to the style and focus of the game you want to create, and nobody knows that better than you.


Honestly I'll keep funding this project regardless the work you've done so far is amazing and you deserve it!


I really like the ass from the new model :)


"I've lost 50% of the project files and that requires me to recreate a lot of stuff from scratch, This is the opportunity for me to fix the issues that couldn't be fixed from start. " - Why don't you use git?


Didn't expect that to happen that early but don't worry, I'm using Google Drive (2tb.) and synced my entire drive now. No more of these problems :]


I agree with the opinion of some of the commentators above that it is up to you to decide how your project will look, and how it will be more convenient for you, and most importantly, it will be more interesting to create it. Isn't that why you decided to create games yourself? ;) I support the opinion of xoeleox - you can change the view in separate closed or tunnel rooms, possibly for a special events. I can’t keep the conversation up to date in Discord due to poor language skills, so I’ll ask here: how many are you planning to add objects with which interaction is possible, like Facehugger eggs or tentacles from "AlienQuest-EVE"? Will the playable characters have special mechanics? His special weapon? Or will the weapon be obtained as it progresses, dropped from opponents / special boxes? On my own behalf, I want to add that as long as you support your projects, I will not stop supporting you.


You have great talent and skill so a third person game is a very good idea since you lost a lot of the old version starting over is not so bad you have my support with this choice


Hi! Will it look like Resident Evil? It would be interesting


Thank you so much! I can't tell how many objects player will be able to interact with for now, most of the things are still not confirmed, I'll update here once everything is confirmed ;D


nah keep my money sexy man ;-)


There's a lot more work to make a 3D game interesting and I don't recommend it for a 1 person project. It'll be much easier to find interesting interactions and scenarios in 2.5D like you already have. Sure they will be simpler but Monster Hunter has a ton of effort put into monster animations and AI in addition to the player weapons and movement. Modern Metal Gear has an entire team dedicated to gimmicks to make the 3D world engaging. Making monster AI interesting will take so much more work in 3D. Most people will appreciate a simple but high quality approach.


I for one approve of the return to the 3D world game type. I've been wanting more Section 7 type stuff.


Well as a fan of your first project, I had always hoped for a return too that kinda stuff. Cause the animations and environment was great... al be it short from the 2020 demo I played :D


Hey dev, is there a possibility of being able to pay/compensate you a one-off $50-100 to be able to pitch in an idea for a particular H-scene I have in mind? Love your art style the most, and would love to see a kink of mine come true in this game (nothing too fancy about the H-scene to be honest don't worry).


Thank you so much! No need to pay me that much ;D I'd add those if I really liked the idea from you :]

