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Hey guys how are you guys doing.

The build now is live and is ready for the public test.
This build features NO SMUT CONTENTS (Mods)
This build features 2 regions, Grid21 and Uncharted Region which is a big experimental and a showcase of the Procedural World Generation system at runtime.
This build is kind of half baked and not well enough optimization especially for the procedural generated region. Grid21 is better optimized and better load time because it's a fixed generated.
Uncharted Region is 10km square sized contains procedurally placed POIs (point of interest, 1 outpost type and 1 cave type for now)
This build also features:
-Overhauled Combat for Melee and Firearm.
-Environmental Collision For Melee Weapons.
-Overhauled Inventory System (Quick Item Loadout both on foot and on vehicle, Inventory Loadout)
-New Consumable Items for Vehicle.
-New Character Stats System.
-Dynamic Difficulty Based on Expedition Day + Distance between Player and the Mission Start Point.
-New and Updated Menu UI.
-Updated Basic Movement.
-Crafting System (Half baked for now)
-New Wall Cover Movement.
-New Downed/Staggered State Movement for both human and creature.
-Finisher Cinematic Sequence System.
-New Sub-Area: Safe Room and Base of Operation.
-Mission System (Only Expedition Type for now)
-New Interactions (Vendor Machine and Station)
-Additional Systems (etc.)

The performance on Uncharted Region may be heavy and load time may be very long for some machines but it'll get improved for sure. FSR is required for the better performance.
This build is specific to showcase the procedural world generation system.

Anyway, let's take a look at the progress so far.

Uncharted Region (Procedural Generated World at Runtime) [WIP]

The game world will fill with 95% procedural generated regions because the game world is now rescaled to be the true continent size where player will be able to go everywhere by moving between 10-20km square grids. The map will regenerate itself everytime upon loading for now (showcase purpose) but the actual game world will be persistent to all players tho it's procedural generated.

Uncharted Region will serve as a BIG sandbox world for players to do anything as they pleased.
The game will introduce Planet Surface Map Menu later on which is basically continent map. 3 Major Stations are confirmed.
Flying Vehicles are also confirmed.
Note that the uncharted regions are optional and there will be 5 fixed generated/handcrafted regions serve as the key locations.

The procedural world generation is still at early phase and it's one among the highest priority for the focus right now. You guys can expect it to get upgraded anytime soon.

Vehicle Physical/Fall Damage
Now driving around the world is never been riskier. Crash and vehicle jump can be a potential lethal but it's kind of buggy for now.

I'll discuss about the patch update next post but for now I hope you guys will enjoy the progress so far.
Buggy fest is expected for this build.
See you guys next post, have a nice day.


OGZ 8212024





Let's gooooo!


do we have to wait a another year for next build?


No, there will be patches every couple of months or so, but I hear what you're saying.


I think this build is a few steps back from the last one when it comes to user experience and gameplay. I understand the new systems/animations and procedural generation was the focus, but it's just not enjoyable, not even for testing. It's been a year and I expected a little more, yet I found my self installing the old build. I'm sure a couple of patches would bring things back to life. Waiting patiently.


Sorry for that but the whole game and engine system are being rebuilt, some even being rebuilt from ground up for the actual game contents to work properly. All the concept contents (that were there to only showcase) from the previous builds are being removed and being replaced with the contents for the final product. I also need more time to cook but I dropped it just to buy more time for the development.


where can i get the weapon


Wardrobe inside the private room > Select weapons in the first item menu and Assign Weapons into the Loadout in the second item menu. Note that the UI is not working properly sometime.