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Hey guys, how are things going on?
I've almost got the combat fundamental in place and I've fixed some amount of bugs during these last 2 weeks but it's at 98% now (just need to fix the issues, bugs and polish things)
I actually forgot to mocap another struggle animation for downed state system, it's not a hard task and it can be done in a day. But I've decided to move character creation system to other next build instead because I believe I must drop another test build soon due to the changes of the combat gameplay fundamentals and I just want to make sure if the new combat fundamentals are actually good and in place yet. I'll also drop a test mod just to make sure if the mod is working, the test mod won't contain any contents beside changing the intro of the game to be unrated.

Anyway, let's take a look at what I did during these 2 weeks.

These footages are captured in engine and I'm sorry for the lag but I may need to fix the performance once I have enough time.

Stealth Take Down Mechanic
Player can perform Stealth Take Down as long as the target is unaware of player. Some enemies won't be able to get stealth taken down if they are armored or too tall/big.

Note that I'll add throwing object mechanic into the game later, this is required because player will be able to distract or lure away the enemies.

Downed/Staggered Mechanic
Player can now push/kick the opponent into the wall in order to get them staggered, this is also applied to player character, the mutants can throw/push/kick player into the wall and get player downed. While the opponent is in staggered, player can perform riposte and kill them instantly based on their LV.

Player can down twice after the HP reaches to 0, first time will be the same as being staggered but the second time the character will be unconscious which is of course, unable to move and could lead to other events.

Note that there will be another struggle animations during downed state, the current struggle animations are for normal combat, not for downed state.

Improved Hit Reaction for Bullet Impact
Hit reaction for bullet is no longer ragdoll physics animation but animations but it's far from being done for now. I got inspired from MGS V's hit reaction for this.

Other Changes
Characters must run/sprint in order to jump off the ledge, player is safe from jumping off the ledge unintentionally if is not running.
Characters will only dash forwards if is running. Quick dodge will only activate if the character is walking. (This will allow the characters to flee from/bypass the battle quicker)
Characters will walk by default, player must hold Left Shift or RB/R1 to run.
Dodge/climb/vault animations are more responsive to movement.
Reduced DFAO issues (blurring pixels) on landscape and increased grasses.

After I'm done with combat fundamentals, I'll work on Safe Room system where player will be able to rest/eat, restock items, change equipment/skills/gear and pass time.
I'll also rework Quick Item Menu because the current one is clucky and I'll add Quick Skill Menu as secondary quick item menu. (Quick Skill Menu will allow player to use 4 special abilities, it'll work the same as using quick item)
2 new and 1 rework humanoid mutants are confirmed but those will be the variations of the basic humanoid with unique abilities, some of them might be able to perform projectile vomit or more, basic humanoid mutant will be able to only punch for example.
Level system will also get overhauled and player will get EXP rewards after heading back to base (easier to save and reduce the chance of save corruption)

I can promise you guys that there will be barely 'fade black' transition between the events and loading screen will be hidden behind the cutscene most of the time.

That's it for today, I hope you guys enjoyed the progression I've made so far.
Another test build might be ready in a month or 2 months based on how many bugs and things I need to polish. The upcoming test build may not contain any smut stuff. I and Gato will work on the mod support after the build is out.
See you guys next update. I have a nice day.


OGZ Down and Stagger State and Improvements


Tom Williams

Another incredible update, as always


I'm always impressed by the consistent progress and your dedication to the project. It's always good to see another update on OGZ and I'm happy to support you.


Your work is actually incredibly good