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Patrons from $8 and up, I want to make adjustments from your current tier.

Taking a look at the poll that I added in the bust sketches form, I saw that the interest in the  suggest ability is being nulll, so I would like to offer you something else you might like more as a reward for the tier you are in. I was thinking that instead of giving the 2 art request, expand it to 3 or 4 requests each month and delete the suggest and voting power, so you could get your art reward sooner. And btw here you can take a look to the art request list and Tos.

Of course I do not want to completely discard the suggestions and voting. I was thinking that I could offer it on occasions as an extra bonus of the month when I have the time and the stamina. And (I just had this idea while writting this) maybe open a form where you could add your idea and I'd pick my favorite from time to time, still as a bonus (not sure if reserve this last point to $8+ patrons only or make it for all patrons)

Now, do you like the idea of ​​increasing the rewards per month? Or do you have any other ideas in mind? Please comment your ideas and/or opinions, your participation is VERY important.

Later I'll post what was the final decision. 


Beck The Bread Butt

Sounds like a good idea to me! I'm honestly just happy supporting your work!

Prof. Weid

I believe that it's a good idea because you could increase interest of your patrons then since not many have particated for suggestion.


Thank you for your opinion and for your fantastic support, Beck! ❤️