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Okay first things first: Apparently, I toggled a setting that prevents any non-Patrons from commenting which I did not realize was a thing until today. Woops, well that explains the lack of comments! My b, the comments section should now be open for everyone. To any of y'all who had tech issues but couldn't say anything because of this, I am so sorry. 

Anywho, within a week/month, the Patreon page will be changing to an "All-Ages" account thanks to the new ruling requiring any 18+ page to provide license and registration. Sure, some of the stuff I've posted can be a little racy, but nothing you'd see as a malware infested sidebar GIF ad. So, really it's not much of a change.  

Worst comes to worst, I'll just post a thumbnail of the card and a link to it. Any showcase images will be on Pixiv. 

I did flub up a little by being a few hours late on not hitting the snooze button on Patreon payouts, though going by experience it takes like a month or so for payments to start flowing again anyways. Going by the payouts page, it seems like no one got charged, but just in case if you did, do let me know and I'll refund you. 

tl;dr: Comments are open to all, didn't realize it wasn't already like that. Page is shifting to All-Ages. No charge for last and possibly this month. 


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