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Original Title: Mod Test Run 2: Plegian Boogaloo + Bonus


Well I got some responses from my earlier post so I'm gonna uphold my end of the bargain. Here it is: The Makoto card. If it ever does see a public release, it'll just be an outfit overhaul. Maybe a new eyeline n' iris but looking at the art, I don't think she needs anything major. 

Other than her shoes n' pants I can't think of too much that I need to work on. So yeah, based on the comments I've got it's good enough. Speaking of which: 








This is the shit you'll need for the Grima card. Much thanks to Sigma and Fissy for their hard work. Without them this shit wouldn't get off the ground. If you get any missing mod warnings, please let me know so that I can upload them and link 'em to ya. 

Okay I finally finished what I set out to do: Make a Halloween Grima Alt. I had 0 intention of doing her default outfits because like, why bother there's a fucking a FE Warriors model of her out there someone's eventually gonna port it. Plus like, I really just only cared for the Halloween outfit. 

I was considering giving her a proper hood up outfit with hair to match but like fuck it that's getting into feature creep territory and I just want this out the door ASAP. 

The hair down alt is based off one of the hair choices you could pick in Awakening. Body Type 3, Hair 6 I think? It's not quite exact as the side bangs are more curvy than spiky plus it doesn't wrap around her neck either. I know of a hair that looks near dead on but it's a janky piece of shit that I did not have a fun time wrangling with the first time so I didn't want to get tangled up in that again. Never had the intention of making a hair down alt anyways. I only did it as an experiment to see if it was the hairstyle that was making me think something was off.

Oh boy there's an entire fucking saga about that. Long story semi abridged: The Halloween alt makes her look really cute. However Grima is usually more sexy cause EVIL. This created this tonal dissonance where I was trying to make Grima look exactly like she did in her alt all the while my brain was like "What the fuck is this moe blob this ain't Grima." 

It bothered me so much that in the end I was like "FUCK THIS I'm just going to make her based on how I think she should look rather than how she actually looks." So yeah, technically the previous Grima I uploaded is more accurate to the actual art face wise. So if you want that version, just slap the outfit I linked (the second mega link is the outfit) onto the older version of Grima. (Be sure to turn on Pushup advanced as the toggle isn't saved when loaded as a coordinate. The settings are still there tho just not active.)

Of course I could just be crazy and it turns out that old version looks nothing like the artwork. Iunno  man between the weird bugs (The physics won't save upon exiting the game and reentering maker...but it works during gameplay? And it saves when saving it as a coordinate/outfit??? It also keeps eating all of my empty slots when I copy accessories over what the fuck. Maybe my game is just cursed.) and me losing all interest in this midway through, it wouldn't surprise me. 

Lesson learned: Never do these kind of things purely out of curiosity. I was like "What's the big deal about Robin? Why do people like her so much? Maybe I'll figure it out if I make her." I still don't know the answer. 

Well, to you 56 people who voted for Grima, hope that y'all like it despite me not being able to pinpoint the exact appeal of her.

There were 41 folks who voted for Robin which made me wonder: How would you go about de-Grimaing Robin? I guess you could change her eyeline to pure black so that it doesn't look like her eyes are glowing staring back at you when she closes them (Yeah I have no idea if that was intentionally done by the original artist. Probably not but fuck it's a cool detail. It really does look like one of the Grima forma de dragon's eyes.) and you could swap out her iris for a more normal less evil looking one.

Man I'm really tired and hungry. Ok I'mma just go now. Hooray, I'm finally done with this chick. 


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