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It's not done I still haven't done the outfit that I based her entire design around so it's not included. But I haven't posted any new content for months and frankly it's inexcusable how I'm keeping you guys high and dry like this.

I won't be charging y'all for this until I give it an official release so no worries your wallet is safe.  

Mine sure ain't tho because I've commissioned for that mod I've linked above and lemme tell ya: it wasn't that expensive. My wallet isn't really bleeding either so don't worry about that.

Anywho for those who are familiar with the character are you alright with the direction I took her with? She's a lot more cuter looking I feel than she's usually depicted but then again her alt costume's design makes her adorable compared to her typical menacing self. That's actually why I wanted to make her in the first place. 

That may have been a mistake though since I find it really tonally dissonant when she's in her normal outfit. I keep telling myself "Oh it'll come together when I finally make her alt outfit" but iunno guys I may have fucked up. What a weird problem to have "Oh no she's too cute"

Lemme know what you guys think and be honest with me alright. 



Who is she


Grima from Fire Emblem. Well technically Grima possessing Robin AKA the MC from Fire Emblem: Awakening.


https://mega.nz/file/twYAUADZ#Bfpc7G8FKXJE5WVp4wdKelB09sXl01QPz8NqiQl4eug Thanks! Did you ever manage to get this link open btw?