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Original Title: Mod Check Delay + Bonus

Due to ongoing issues with KKManager's updates, I'm going to need to run these mod checks before uploading anything. The image depicted is one of the two cards I wanted to do a check up on. Yes I said two, the other one I will post later after I run it through with a bud of mine. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to post quite a number of links for that one but this one should be more simpler. 

So deep scurried away within KKManager's Bleeding Edge modpack, I came across this Botan mod and well I've been considering if I should use that to make a Botan MK.II.  Y'know, she's gotten a number of outfits over time after all so it would be fitting to revisit her. Then again maybe I'm going overboard on Hololive stuff so I should put that on the backburner. Maybe I should hold off on that, release a number of non Hololive related shit before going back to that. 

Either way, Botan wasn't supposed to be this month's card. It's someone else but as you'll see when I actually post it was uh quite the undertaking. A learning experience to say the least. Taught me that there's some things that I don't want to do in the future, and that some things that I thought I couldn't do were in fact, possible. So yeah, more on that in it's own post and subsequent breakdown. 

Anyways while I work on the finishing touches and gussy it up to make some nice preview images, I'm just gonna drop this off as a sneak peek of sorts.

Hopefully I'll be seeing you guys in a few days to a week at most. 





Dr. Gabe

First of all: I've found the easiest work around for mod issues is to put the ones that the Manager tries to delete and new ones you're uncertain of the safety of in the "My Mods" folder because it doesn't touch them. It doesn't always work, but it's the closest thing I've found to an actual fix for the problem. Secondly: I say make what YOU wanna make. I'm not any good with characters in Koikatsu, but I do write and do a few other creative things myself and I can testify to the fact that working on stuff you actually feel like working on will ALWAYS result in a better finished product than something you felt obligated or forced to make. I'm not a huge Hololive fan, but all the cards you made of Hololive girls are God-tier. Follow your heart, my friend. ...Or your loins. Whichever body part leads you to make these. Follow that.


1: Oh no, the mod check is for you guys. Like, I want to be able to post my cards and have them work Day 1. Nothing more disappointing then loading a card up only to have them missing hair, chunks of their bodies gone, panda face paint, and other such anomalies. Hence why I post my cards in private first so that people could report on what mods are missing so that I could upload them for the public release. 2: While not exactly wrong and I appreciate the sentiment, two things come to mind. One is that well variety is the spice of life and more pertinently, I made a bunch of polls asking about this or that character but never actually acted upon them. Doing that consistently is just jerking people's chains at this point so naturally folks would stop responding to them. Don't blame them one bit, after all why vote if it won't matter eh? So I am somewhat beholden to them. Again it's not that I don't appreciate the sentiment n' all, but like, you guys are paying for a service and I gotta honor my end of the deal too y'know? As such, I'm gonna try my best this month not to be so flaky on that end.

Dr. Gabe

1: Ah. I see... I swear to God I know how to read, okay! I just don't always understand the words... Good thing I'm so damn pretty or my dumbassery would be my defining quality. 2: Aight, then make Best Girl from Elden Ring next. I'd love to see you translate a realistic character design to something that better fits Koikatsu's style. And what better way to challenge yourself than to make a character with four arms, amiright?


The need for puppet gash is quite strong for you eh? Well if she ever finds her way onto a poll then sure, otherwise it ain't happening. 'Sides I don't think the two extra arms will do much as I'm no rigger/modder. At best you'll get two flopping appendages getting in the way of everything.

Dr. Gabe

Man, first it was the doll, then the puppet... I swear Miyazaki makes the best waifus out of things that would give me splinters in the worst place imaginable. I was mostly joking about the arms, though I did see someone who made a decent scene with her, but the Studio is an unknowable monstrosity that I don't understand how to use and am too intimidated by to try to learn.


new card good