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Card can be found here! 


(Backup link. Be sure to copy the ENTIRE link or else it won't work!)


Due to KK Manager's updates having stalled as of late, not all the mods I used are avaliable yet. So I took the liberty of posting them below. Please let me know if there any issues/missing mods and I'll add them to the list. 










Bit of a story behind this one. To those who have been keeping up with the polls n' what not you may be a bit surprised by this. I'm right there with ya, hell I was supposed to be working on something entirely different. So wha happun? 

Pretty much whenever I log into Pixiv, I scroll through the Koikatsu tags. Occasionally I find some mods n' cards that weren't marked with the character release tag which is a nice bonus, but really I'm just browsing to see if people are using my stuff. It rarely happens tho as pretty much everything I make is niche. That may sound ironic considering who I just made, but like relatively speaking Lucina's star power is nothing compared to Genshin Impact or any other gacha shit. Or nowadays, vtuber stuff. 

So it's a pleasant surprise when I do see people using my shit. Usually I would just take a look, nod approvingly, and then move on. However in this instance it started to become clear to me that something was wrong with the Lucina card as it seemed like nearly every other post she was broken in some way. 

I talked to a few of the creators and it seemed like the issue was that some update to a mod broke something. I passed onto them a fixed version but then I realized something: If there's this  many issues are from the posts I've been seeing, imagine how many people have issues with this card that I don't see because they don't make anything with it? Clearly, these issues run much deeper so I needed to publish a fix. 

Incidentally, I was polishing Lucina up here n' there whenever I stumbled across a new mod but otherwise wasn't focusing on her. But due to the above, my attention started to turn away from my original project and solely on to her. Initially, I was just going to post a fixed version similar to how I did with Calli. However, with all the posts people have been making with Lucina, I was consistently confronted with how poorly she aged. It got to the point where I decided a simple fix wouldn't be enough and that I'd actually have to refine her. The squeaky wheel gets the grease as they say.

So then, what's new? (Slide 3+4) Well, I decided to base her new look on her legendary alt rather than her brave one. So, her face and hair changed accordingly. That old GaryuX hair from Tales of Mana/some other game iunno the chick with the whip is no more, thanks to Zeta porting a better looking Christmas tree like hair. So long stray pixels and missing seamlines I couldn't  fill in because otherwise the front bangs come back. You won't be missed. (Why are they even connected with each other?) 

I changed her eyeline but not her iris. Her eyeline had to be changed to be more fitting with her legendary alt but her iris, while a bit low quality, is good enough.

Her bodysuit's been changed up. Actually what the fuck is that thing she wears under her armor? I'm not sure if it's an one piece kind of thing or if it was meant to be separated into two pieces. Either way it had to go due to the new uncensors fucking with the body mesh, causing the skin to clip through. 

I was thinking of cleaning up the textures but eh fuck it it's good enough. I'm surprised there aren't all that many Smash Bros ports yet. You'd think people would be all over that. Then again I'm no 3D modeler so who knows maybe it's an utter bitch to do. 

Her hair has received some improvements. You can enable physics for them but be warned: it WILL tank your FPS. Personally I think it looks fine with it off/there's not much difference on/off, but if you need them, the option is there. 

The would be star of the show would be her new Valentine's Day outfit (S1) but I gave up on it midway through. Initially, I thought this outfit I found would be perfect for her, just needed to edit it a bit but upon putting it into practice, well...into the bin it went. I realized that actually making the outfit look good would require a lot more time than I had initially budgeted for. So instead I decided to just half ass it. I mean, I was already overstepping my initial goal of just refining the base model anyways so for once I executed proper project management by sticking to my original goal rather than get caught up in feature creep. 

Speaking of half-assing outfits I was going to make to upgrade her twintails for her Robin alt but eh I wanted to shove this thing out ASAP. 

Thanks to Sigma porting over her mask from the Warriors game. Note: I have no idea why but the lighting in the School Office map fucks with the IBL shader it uses so expect total desaturation. It looks fine elsewhere though. Fixing it to make it work in that map means fucking it up for everywhere else so this is just one of those times where you gotta pick one or the other. 

Her casual outfit (S2) has seen a minor change in that she now has a new ponytail. 

Anyways, as I mentioned in the beginning KK Manager has been stalling out in terms of updates so there may be some mods missing. Please let me know so that I can upload them as KK Manager won't have them for some time. 

Now, time to head back to what I was originally working on!

PS: Do you guys mind if I lazy post cards? (Like, just the hair, bod, face, and one outfit.) 




just wanted to let you know that you can't download 6h18wv.zipmod or 2r0so3.zipmod from catbox.


Oh dear, it got 404'd. Can you tell me what mods are missing so that I can reupload them? Thanks.