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Preamble: So, while I was working on last month's card, Evaan released this KLK mod that had Mako's hair. Well, her hair's not too far off from Chie's so I figured "Hey I bet I could use this as a base for Chie." Turns out the front bangs weren't as easy to cut off as I had assumed so the card wasn't as simple as initially planned.

I've wasted enough time as is so I'm going to push her aside for now. That, and I may have a different set of bangs for Chie depending on how things play out so I'm gonna wait n' see. Something I say a lot to myself and then I never pick up the project again til years later. I figured I've kept you guys waiting for far too long without any actual content so instead of letting it rot, I'm just gonna put it up as is. 

And hey, in for a penny, in for a pound as they say so I threw in Naoto and Rise as well. Honestly looking at the second slide from left to right, it's like a time lapse in how I've changed over the years. I think the last time I touched up that Rise was like what, a year ago? Two even? Naoto is like a fusion between my old n' new way of doing things. I wouldn't really call it a style per se but yeah.

On that note, gonna upload a poll right after this asking y'all who should finally be put off the backburner and get a proper release for like, next month or something. Anyways, gotta get back  back to the past samurai jack wachaa

uh i mean get back to my main project. 

No it's not Samurai Jack related nor will I work on something like that in the forseeable future. 

See ya in the poll!



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