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Despite being a later model, it having a lower ranking than the Pz IV. H* threw me in for a loop. Same deal with the Cromwell V being ranked lower than the Cromwell I due to being slower while every other aspect of the tank is the same as I's.** You'd think newer=better but nah.  

Well there ye have it, the explanation as to why these cards are dubbed the Ausführung series. They may be newer but that doesn't mean they're necessarily better. 



These are not the two cards I owe y'all, but I felt like posting something as compensation for keeping you guys waiting so long. That and to show that I'm still alive and kickin'. Things have gotten a little uh, crazy, this past month and only now has shit settled down. Hopefully I'll be able to release something far meatier than this, but for now, here's updated versions of Corrin and Severa.

The Corrin mod is a little janky due to being unfinished/needs more polish and I have no idea when or if it'll even be complete. 

Anyways, happy Halloween folks! Be sure to check your candy thoroughly before chopping down on 'em: They may contain razor blades which can lead to a fatal iron overdose! O.O Be careful y'all! 

*Turns out it's shittier due to being a budget version of the H. 

** V is slower due to having a speed governor installed, which does increase longevity of the tank's service life but since that's not even a mechanic in the game well... 




take your time, you have priorities, appreciate the cards! take care of yourself!