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I know I've wrote this down on the FAQ, but since it's buried all the way at the bottom + who the fuck reads a FAQ on a pron Patreon anyways I figured I should make the rules more obvious. 

What Can You Do With My Cards? 

Credit me as the maker!

Make shit with it!

Tag it properly so that I can come across it. 

Do whatever you want. There is no kinkshaming here, unlike a certain little town in Japan. 

What Can You NOT Do With My Cards? 

Not give me credit. 

Say that you made them. (You can modify them, but do let folks know what you were working off of.)

Resell them. 

Frame me for the Butchery at Johnnie Fox's and other illegal activities I absolutely had no hand in. 

No illegal shit and definitely no trying to involve me in said illegal shit.

Hypothetically, let's say you used my cards to make some kind of diorama proving the existence of 5G chips within ants (which are actually drones) causing infertility. If that's the message you want to say, then that's what you wanna say. However, I am in no way involved in this other than being the guy who made the cards you used, capiche? 

Now I know I've just repeated myself, but there have been some folk who were worried about how I would react to their usage of my stuff. This is just a PSA letting y'know that while I may not necessarily approve or like what you do with my cards, I ain't gonna stop you. The sole exception being unless you're trying to accuse me of murder through Koikatu...somehow.  Fucking go nuts, this is why I even release this shit to begin with. 



This sounds like something someone who made 5G Ant-drones would say.


Wow you're awfully quick to accuse, maybe YOU'RE the one behind the ants and you're just deflecting the blame back to me!