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This hasn't happened yet, so this could end up being a total non-issue, (This is an impromptu tip jar after all.) but the 20$ dollar goal is only but a buck away.  Before I say anything else, I'd like to say thank you to all y'all. I'd like to say more, but honestly I don't have the words as I simply didn't think this was gonna happen. 

"Not in a million years." I thought when I set that goal. Seriously, I was expecting like, a dollar, two if I was lucky. And yet here we are. So what's the new goal gonna be? 

*shrug* I don't know. I never thought I'd get this far. Two cards per month I could handle, but three? Kinda hesitant about that. The other alternative is giving y'all an actual say in what gets made, but I don't like that idea. An idea that I do like is this: 

So, the hypothetical new goal will still be two cards per month, but y'all get to vote on one card. The other one's the wild card which can be anything. There will be a poll, but instead of the options being a specific character, it'll be based on franchises. Well known franchises, so you're not gonna see something like 1BitHeart. (Unless that gets really popular.)  The characters will be recognizable, whether they'd be part of the main cast or a popular side character. You're not gonna get generic background extra from scene 24. 

Not the most honorable compromise I'll admit as this is heavily in my favor. Considering that this is working off of an out of touch  shitlord's idea of what's "popular", you might end up with less than ideal choices. For me, it's great as it ensures that I'll get to make characters that I was interested in to begin with. And that's pretty much the crux of the issue as this still remains a hobby for me.  I do this for fun, and if I'm not having fun, then why bother. 

Deal's not that great and with that position, not a lot of room for compromise either. Luckily, this goal won't be reached for a very long time so we got plenty of time to think things over. 

So let's focus on the present for now. What's gonna happen when that goal is reached? Well I didn't think I'd reach that in years, much less this month so don't expect a second card. However, starting next month you will get two cards guaranteed. (If the goal is reached by that point.)

tl;dr: Pot of Greed Goal Almost Reached. Potential Pot of Avarice Goal in the Future. 


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