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"If you like the "lets be friends" mechanic of Danganronpa or Persona, you'll probably like this game. Moreover it is a game that involves investigation and argumentation, and it's quite fun

Cons: so many waifus that u can't date. " -A Steam Review

Cons: so many waifus that u can't date. 

"Be the change you want to see in the world." I think some important guy said that, Thanos, I believe. Anyways,  yes, these ARE the obscure bullshit cards I've been working on and said was gonna be released  "in a couple of days." My b.  Then again, the stopgap cards wound up being one of my more popular cards so it all worked out in the end. But yeah, these has been an effort years in the making. You read that right, years.  

These two were actually the first cards I ever made. (The left one is the original, the right one is the new one.) This is the culmination of years of card making! Quite a bit of progress, eh?  

But enough about me, who are these two and what the heck is a 1BitHeart?

Well, 1BitHeart's a PC game where it's basically Danganronpa except waaayyyy lighter in tone and super lax.  Even the setting it takes place in (Cyberpunk.) is a lot cheerier. Sure there's a mystery to be solved, but that's more of an excuse to wander around town and just chat with folks. Basically, it's a friendship simulator. 

Despite the above, the way the story starts makes the quoted reviewer's confusion over the lack of dating/romance elements quite understandable. I mean, initially when I first played it, I didn't think too much of it, but due to being exposed to a number of ecchi series thanks Koikatsu, I realized nearly all of them have a similar set: The main protagonist is a shut in nerd (Nanashi) who one day finds a girl sleeping on his bed (Misane). I mean, obvious reasons aside, that's one hell of a call to adventure. What better way to disrupt the hero's ordinary world by having the herald break into their house? Considering their NEET status, their house might as well be the entire world, so yeah that's actually a pretty neat way of getting them into the special world of adventure.  But like, man is it just me or is that plot point used way too much?

Anyways, the similarities end there and 1BitHeart's plot diverges greatly from there on after.   After the initial shock of wondering  how a girl managed to break into his floor without using the elevator, he's pretty lax with his bedroom invader. Aside from the amnesia, Misane's fine and Nanashi, seeing that things are okay, decides to just order pizza and continue his normal routine of vegging out. Had she just left, well, there wouldn't be a story now would there? Misane, after hearing Nanashi rather blunt observation over how his life's going, decides to do something about it and pretty much forces him to socially interact with people. This leads to goofy hijinks, but then they come across something and the plot thickens from there. 

Not the most original set up I understand, but one of things that really hooked me was Nanashi. Like, prior to this, I played Sunrider Academy and holy shit the male MC stinks. Whiny and self centered prick, "Who cares that your parents are dead, what about me tho?!" Not the exact words as that would require booting up that piece of shit but you get the idea. Man, fuck him. 

I know "Being nice" is a character trait that's way too overplayed with male MCs, but Nanashi's  a weird version of that. Like, he has an incredibly low opinion of himself but somehow maintains a sunny n' cheery demeanor even when he calls himself literal garbage. Despite all of that, he doesn't whine or complain, dude's really patient n' supportive of others. He's socially awkward and he knows that, which does explain why when he does make mistakes, he doesn't freak out, try to cover it up, or monologue about how badly he fucked up. He acknowledges it, laughs a  bit, and moves on. Oddly enough, he's pretty confident which you wouldn't really guess at first, what with his demeanor n' all that. 

Oh and he's really cute too. Appearance wise, his color palette definitely helps him stand out from the sea of dull "BROWNS N' BEIGE! BROWNS N' BEIGE!" male MCs tend to have. 

It sounds strange, but one of the things that drew me in and ended up being one of the reasons I liked the game as much as I do is that I actually like Nanashi as a character,  not as a stand in. He's rather refreshing from the tall dark n' snarky archetype you'd think a character from this genre would have.  

Misane is a good character in her own right, serving as a foil to Nanashi. Whereas he's a bright n' cheery dork, she's the wiser, dark n' mysterious type. They play off well together and SPOILERS, they get together in the end in a way that's really heartwarming. Though they just hug and not kiss GODDAMMIT. I mean yeah okay that's what makes that scene sweet n' cute in the first place, but come on. Kiss, damn you. Ah well, that's the beauty of Koikatsu eh? Reality can be whatever I want. - JFK

So yeah, while the game is not without it's flaws, (Handful of weak subplots, the grinding.) it has a special place in my heart. Thank you, I'll be here all weekend folks.   

No but seriously, while I am rather biased towards it, I legitimately think it's a cute n' fun game. It's only 3 dollars (Though sometimes it drops to 1 dollar.) and hey, what better time than now to play a game that's all about direct face to face contact with people? :v Hell, you can even get it for free legitimately, no need to sail the high seas here, as there's a free version of it. Which aside from achievements, has everything the Steam version has as it originally was freeware. So really, you've got nothing to lose other than a few hours, so why not give it a whirl? Maybe it'll capture your heart like it did mine's. (okay okay no more heart puns from hereonout...unless I do a Persona 5 character. ) 

You don't have to, but playing it would give context to the different outfits they have. As before, certain outfits are references to other characters from the game they came from, or their redesigns in their sequel game. (Called 1BeatHeart. Not as good as 1BitHeart.) The inspirations for Nanashi's outfits are rather intuitive, but Misane's gets a little bit weird. 

Like, I was gonna give Misane Seikyu's outfit as her gym/club outfit, but like nearly every outfit she has is a suit. So, to spice things up a little, I gave her Azusa's outfit instead which while sticks out like a sore thumb, breaks up the monotony of suit after suit I'd say. Her actual club outfit is based off of Arumu's, a character in the sequel. If you ever played Ace Attorney, she's essentially Lotta Heart, but not Southern. Sure, they can be a bit annoying, but I like the investigative journalist archetype. 

So yeah, that's all for now. The next cards will be a lot more recognizable unless I get sidetracked. If you want to play 1BitHeart for yourself, the link's down below. 


 https://vgperson.com/games/1bitheart.htm  (The Free version.) 

P.S.: The first slide is a reference to the light novel adaptation. Unfortunately it's untranslated, unless any of y'all happen to know where I could find an english copy. If so, lemme know! 



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