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I'm sure y'all got some questions bout this post and I'll do my best to answer 'em. 

First off, this isn't the curve ball I had mentioned before. That'll be out hopefully some time this week. I'm posting this as something to tide y'all over until it's finished because as it turns out, my break is a hella lot more shorter than I thought it was. While I'm sure I'll be able to balance out work and makin' cards, that'll take some time to fine tune. Even though  I'm not obligated to make a card per month as I haven't reached that tier yet, I don't like the idea of paying a monthly subscription to get nothing. Hence why I decided to get this out the door just in case I end up missing my deadline. 

Secondly, this is an edit of a card on the booru, which was a combination of all the other cards on said site. I've changed up her hair, head, face, body and adjusted some outfits. 

Third, much like a lot of anime, I've never actually seen Kuroinu, nor do I plan to. (Which may explain some discrepancies. Seriously, is it Olga, or Oliga? Or Origa?) However, I did read this doujin involving her where the premise is essentially Re:Creators. Except in this one, the only dicks being sucked is the MC's, not the writers. Hey-oh! 

While it's unfair to say that the doujin's plot is better than the show's, boy is that super not a "modern classic". If the idea of story characters being brought into the real world and the mayhem that ensues sounds interesting to you, Last Action Hero, the Inkheart series, and Indian in the Cupboard are way better options. Unless you're the target audience which apparently is goldfish because holy fuck do they spend so much time just repeating shit. 

Like, they explain a concept, then explain it again, then they bring out a diagram to explain it in further detail to make sure you really understood what they were talking about. Do you see where this is going? No? Okay, let me explain it to you in further detail... 

This isn't even for shit like how King Crimson works, it's for incredibly simple concepts! I'd say it'd be children television levels of redundancy, but even Dora the Explorer assumed you'd get the idea and moved on. 

They don't even deliver on the premise of "Fictional characters fucking around in our world." all that much! They opt for long monologues on how important creators are and the depth of the relationship between creator and creation and bla bla bla bla. Not that the ensemble cast matters either as the plot gets solved without them. The MC saves the world doing absolutely nothing. I mean he did say at the beginning all he was just an observer, so him doing nothing is entirely on message with his character if anything.

Man, I came here to see wizards fighting giant robots, not a circlejerk. Speaking of porn, back to the doujin! 

So yeah, Olga gets isekai'd to our world and winds up with generic Japanese MC kid. To be fair, he does makes for way better company than a bunch of rapists and he's pretty cute too, so massive improvements all across the board right from the get go! Other things such as modern commodities n' comforts make her new life a hella lot more comfortable and while there isn't actually a scene of her playing Mario Kart, there is bizzarely enough art of her playing games. Maybe it's from the same guy, but I thought that was pretty funny, hence the thumbnail. Oh and they fuck, so if you're into the different kind of plot, 235437. 

Anyways, I'll be posting another edit after this one and hopefully I'll be able to finish the actual new shit this week. 

tl;dr: Cards made just in case I don't meet self imposed deadline. Who would win: Modern "Classic" vs some H-Doujin? Meteroa sucks. 




It's Olga, according to every official translation and many of the fan translations I've seen. I know, I was looking a bunch of her cards earlier, and had to look it up. I'm guessing Origa was just google translate babblefish, but Oliga?


I thought it could've been Oliga because Japanese don't have L's in their alphabet, so they would use r in place of l. Hence why I thought they meant to say Oliga but due to constraints, went with Origa.


Bruh I love you for making this card . There are other Olga cards out there but this is by far the best one in my opinion. Hope to see more Kuroinu cards with this quality.


While I'm flattered, and really I am, this is probably the only Kuroinu card you'll ever see as I actually haven't seen it. Doesn't seem like my cup of tea either, so if that's all you're here for, then I'm afraid you'll be rather disappointed. That being said, supporting me will lead to more cards in the future so stick around if you're interested in that.