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The real action has kicked off! Jiraiya is about to have an unforgettable moment...o(〃^▽^〃)o

 This past weekend, the whole team got together and brainstormed a new project that I'm pretty excited about... Hopefully, I'll be able to give you more hints about it this week.

Thanks to everyone for your support.

(This page is in English and Spanish)

Help us make our comics even better. If you spot any mistakes or have any suggestions (in English or Spanish), don't hesitate to hit us up.




Adrian is right. One of the bubble boxes in the English version is in Spanish.


Nice! I would like to see something similiar in the Hanabi comic with Hinata in the present! :D By the way Lupin will we see Hinata in the present before 2024? It would be awesome! :D Excited for the new Hanabi page! :D Nice work as usually! :D


I hope to see Hinata again, I don't know if we can do it... there are still several days until the end of the year so I still have hope.