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For a while now, I've been wanting to put together a quick video using a hilarious meme I stumbled across on the internet (hopefully I can spruce up the video in the coming days).

If you're having trouble viewing it, just use this link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/7khd5lgf002zxka/HinataM.mp4

It's been a tough week for us around here, so I apologize for the delay in getting our content out. Hopefully, tomorrow we can get back to our regular posting schedule. Thanks for bearing with us and being patient!

This week we released the cover of the new project One Piece

Thanks for your likes and comments.


(No title)



Ahora quiero saber más sobre esto de hinata con igwabe


Amigo Lupin!! (∩´∀`∩)💕 Ya me estaba preocupando! Ya estaba en pensando en enviarte ya un mensaje para ver si estais bien amigo! Pero parece que si, que solo habreis tenido algún que otro asunto y no habeis podido hacer ninguna página! Espero que solo haya sido eso! :3 Uff, te quedó muy bien este video Lupin!! Ojala hagais más así!!! Nunca habeis pensado en dibujar alguna animacion? Es mucho mas arduo que un comic, pero una animacion vuestra estaría muy caliente! *---* Seguid así!! Cuidaos mucho!! Sois los mejores Super Melons!! (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و ❤


I love this animation, the penetration looks great and hot. What is this Iwabee and Hinata meme, I’ve never heard of it before. What does it mean? Great job as always Lupin!


That's awesome! Make more videos


It looks good! Sometime's a little animation like this can be really good! :D Iwabe is a lucky guy! XD I hope everything is fine and good at you guys now and everything is fixed! By the way Lupin can you tell me what day is the new Hanabi page? ☺️ Last week there was no page so i hope that you can post it this week! ☺️ The animation was good i liked it! ☺️


I love the animation! It would be nice to add a few more projects like this throughout the year. Keep up the great work!


Gracias por preocuparte amigo !!!!!!! (*^▽^*)....si ,han sido unos dias ajetreados por aqui (nada importante la verdad) y bueno creo que ya estamos en marcha XD. La verdad siempre he fantaseado hacer un pequeño anime creo que el principal problema seria las voces..seria estupendo contactar con alguna Seiyuu que pueda ayudarnos..XD por lo demas creo que con un poco de planificacion se puede hacer algo aunque sea sencillo .


Thanks !!! I based it on a meme (little joke or graphic joke) that I saw some time, I think it's not very famous, it was just a strip of two cartoons.


Yes, Iwabe is very lucky xd. We have had delays in the publications of "Hanabi intrusive" but tomorrow we will publish page 012 and then 013 friend. Thank you for supporting Hanabi's project.


Cool! Thank you for your words, I am already encouraging myself to do more similar projects, I promise to publish more frequently.