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I see that Temari is a master in these love arts. XD

I hope that Sakura is not another victim of the evil spell that is contaminating the entire sand village. (‾ʖ̫‾)

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Oghh como se agarra sus pechos Sakura mientras Temari se lo come todo.. Este comic está que se sale!! *----* ♡ Grandioso trabajo Super Melons!! Me muero por seguir viendo!! Tener una semana entera de este comic la semana que viene va a ser.. Muy calurosa la semana que viene.. Realmente.. Muy caliente.. XD Seguid así!! Amo vuestro arte y proyectos!! ( *¯ ³¯*)♡


Thank you for this increasingly hot scene. I'm happy to see real yuri scenes in your comics. Thank you very much Super Melons, keep it up for the next comics. I think it's not just the evil spell in Sakura, but above all a hidden desire to want to make love with another woman.


Happy to see Temari help Sakura relieving her stress from the mission


Thank you ! By the way I think the same, I think Sakura has always wanted this to happen xD!


Si amigo...Parece que Sakura esta muy "motivada" ...lol..Todo parece indicar que Sand Women sera el comic ganador...sera una semana muy especial Full: Sakura Temari...y .oops..lo olvide ...Ino !!!!!!