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Hi all !!!

We need your talent!!!!!

This is an alternate cover of the comic "Hinata, the daughter of the devil". 

We have already created the argument and the story board and soon we will publish the first pages.

Within this comic there will be a two page mini-story. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

These two pages will narrate a sexual adventure of Mrs. Uzumaki and we have decided that you create that adventure. ∩(´∀`∩)

The stories that participate must be located chronologically months after the events of "The mom of Boruto"

Use the comment box to capture your great creativity XD.

These are the rules:

(Ideas that do not conform to the following rules will not be considered.)  (*▼o▼*)ノ

1. Children (underage) will not participate.

2. Bestiality and forced sexual relations will not be allowed.

3.  Three characters maximum.

4. The story must have logical consistency with the events of the prequel "The mom
    of Boruto."

The story with the most likes and comments will win!

(This call for talents will end on February 8, 2022)




4 mouths later Boruto started to notice that Hinata is going out more and getting worried,Hinata asked Boruto if he can help her go shopping for dinner he agreed to help in the store 4 random guys go up to Hinata and ask if it’s possible is she can do her Service later they can pay her triple the amount Hinata agreed both Boruto and Hanabi over hear they Conversation and Boruto think the ghost still took over her, later in the night Boruto don’t not trust his food so he got to the rest room and make a clone to eat the food and to his room Hinata think the Boruto is a sleep and leave to make more money, Boruto Fallow Hinata to the meeting place, Boruto remember last time that Hanabi attack him out of nowhere and don’t want to make a scene like last time so he sow one of the 4 guys heading to the back of the club to drink Boruto take this option to put him to steal his pass to enter the club Boruto enter the back door of the club and see there is a contest going on the the winner of the contest can have a good time with the Hokaga wife under one condition they can’t speak a word to anyone what happened to night random guy won the contest and go to a special room to receive the Award random guy can’t believe that Hinata is so sexy and hot just like last time Boruto found a hidden room and saw the action and can’t back out now so he has to act like the random guy to get more information about the ghost after the random guy fuck Hinata and leave the club Boruto drop the transform jutsu then Hanabi attack/ kidnap Boruto, the next day Hinata was wondering where is Boruto he was never late for breakfast until Hanabi called Hinata and told him that he is staying at the Hyuga House for 5 weeks Hinata was ok with it knowing that she does not have to worry about giving Boruto to much sleeping pills and decided to make more money,at the Hyuga House Boruto manage to escape and trying to figure out what is going on until Hanabi is coming around the corner Boruto quickly transferred into Naruto, Hanabi was supposed to Naruto Hanabi asked if she wanted to do the clan meeting Naruto/Boruto though this is the perfect opportunity to get info about the ghost Hanabi go to the secret room to do the clan meeting, Hinata go out and make more money and run into Mr. Ereki , Mr Ereki ask Hinata if it’s possible to continue where they left of and promised to pay 4 times the amount and she agreed to she do ahegao faces when she gets fuck


Hinata finds another guy who needs money and decides to use hime. That night she goes to the man’s house to find someone else there who also needs money (sakura), and the guy ends up being the Raikage. They both get banged up by the Raikage for the whole night and get the money that they both needed.


The night Boruto almost discovered Hinata and Mr. Ereki Denki had over a 19 year old cousin who was visiting from another village and saw what she was doing with his uncle and he starts to take pictures so he might be able to use later and after coming back to The hidden leaf he encounters Hinata and Threatens her by saying he will show Naruto the pictures if she doesn’t Have sex with him


Pleasure memories. Months later after the events of Mom of Boruto, Hinata is masturbating with a vibrator in her bed with light lingerie while dropping so wet, while she remembers a specific good memories that she had right after the end of the story of "Mom of Boruto", while she was fucking raw and hard with the most energetic, the most beast and wild sex man in the series, Raikage. Those 2 pages would be full sex poses, teasing, Hinata doing a lot of ahegao faces, and dropping so much juices at the end right after fucking with him in her memories, while the last panel of the last page she cums a lot with her eyes closed with her vibrator inside of her pussy and screaming of so much so pleasure remembering this memories and how felt Raikage's cock inside of her..

Gamer Pro

Muchas reglas a puesto patreon :/ que lastima


Comienza Con otro encuentro entre hinata y mr ereki asiendo q hinata se unda en un placer nunca antes experimentado incluso ni con Naruto terminando con hinata enamorada de el quedando de acuerdo que nunca sufriría por dinero llamas quedando en un acuerdo de sexo con el incondicional y riendo de lo acontecido con boruto 😈


Hinata hasn't gone out at night for several weeks now. Boruto begins to think that the night he saw his mother naked at someone else's house was just a dream. But when his mother tells him that she is going out and she asks Boruto to stay home with his sister, Boruto decides to follow her again. But despite these very sexy clothes, which show that Hinata is wearing a leopard print bra and panties, Boruto sees his mother entering his aunt Hanabi's house. So there is nothing weird and Boruto therefore decides to go home. Hanabi welcomes Hinata. Hinata thanks Hanabi for stopping Boruto the other night. Hanabi, who wears a transparent nightgown, replies that it's normal between sisters. Hanabi kisses her sister and tells her that it's been a long time since she had the opportunity to eat her pussy. Hanabi takes her sister by the hand and they go to her room. Arrived in the room, Hinata is not surprised to see her husband. Hanabi gets on all fours on the bed and Naruto starts to take her ass again. Hinata takes off these clothes and goes to sit in front of Hanabi so that she eats her pussy. After an orgasm from the Hyuuga sisters and Naruto ejaculates in Hanabi's ass. Hanabi takes a strapon out of her drawer and gives it to Hinata. Hinata puts the strapon on, but she doesn't understand because she sees her sister sitting on Naruto's head to eat her pussy. But when Hanabi grabs Naruto's legs to spread them apart, and she says that Naruto likes getting it in the ass, Hinata is surprised. But the desire for sex is stronger, so Hinata pushes this huge strapon into her husband's little ass. Hinata sees from Naruto's erection that he likes it, but above all that she also likes to smash her husband's ass. Hinata goes faster and faster and she grabs Naruto's very hard penis to jerk him off until ejaculation. Naruto ejaculates so much that Hinata and Hanabi are covered in cum. All three are lying on the bed, when suddenly Naruto and Hinata understand that they have to leave quickly to go home before the children get up. Naruto and Hinata finally arrive home but Boruto and Himawari are already awake. Himawari laughs as Boruto looks weirdly at these parents, because Naruto is wearing Hinata's clothes and Hinata is wearing Naruto's clothes and she still has cum on her face. Thank you very much and sorry for the long story.


I wouldn't mind any story that will lead to a threesome between Naruto, Hanabi, and Hinata.

Dario Agnese

The "ghost" created by Hanabi who controls Hinata becomes indipendent after his "vessel" Hinata went out for 5 months and slowly Hinata looses her humanity and slowlys becomes a Yokai who is always hunger of sex.


Dudas el de máximo 3 personajes es solo para las escenas de sexo en de participación en la historia? Y solo se puede una idea? Es que se me ocurrieron 2


allí va mi idea idea 1…. Han pasado 5 meses desde que Hinata fue descubierta por Boruto pero el en estos 5 meses ya no ha visto rastro ya que al parecer funciona bien el usar pastillas para dormir. En el tiempo actual Hinata se a encontrado con gran cantidad de hombres (ya que ereki la recomendó a sus allegados) con el suficiente capital para pagar por tener a la esposa del séptimo Hokage (unas cuantas escenas de Hinata con sus clientes en baby-doll, dominatrix,shibari,colegiala,en su ropa de the last,etc.).ella se volvió muy popular en el mundo de los hombres adinerados y algunas mujeres ,ella está apunto de encontrarse con un conocido de ereki el cual le había mencionado a ella que era un conocido de otra aldea y Quería contratar sus servicios ya que además de el muchos hombres hablaban maravillas de ella a la hora del sexo, en el momento de verlo ella se da cuenta de que aldea proviene (no se muestra quien es).termina la escena sin escenas hentai. Al día siguiente Hinata se encuentra en casa haciendo labores domésticas, Naruto está en la oficina, Boruto en una misión, himawari de paseo con su abuelo, hinata al estar sola reflexiona sobre sus desventuras sexuales ya para ella se está volviendo habitual nuevamente y ya no siente la misma emoción que al inicio en ese momento alguien llama a la puerta este resulta ser ereki, ereki al ingresar a la casa manosea a hinata hasta hacerla correrse, ella se molesta por lo que hizo y porque la fue a buscar a su casa en pleno día pero ereki le ofrece una gran suma de dinero una que nunca le había ofrecido antes el cual es para 2 servicios uno para tener sexo en ese momento y en casa del Hokage y el otro se lo contraria después terminar el primer servicio, hinata después de pensar y sentir algo desconocido en su interior accede follar con ereki, de allí ereki y hinata tienen sexo en casa del Hokage por todos sus rincones (la sala, la cocina, en todas las habitaciones, Un riesgoso sexo en el patio, y una sesión de sexo en la ducha para terminar todo eso mientras hinata viste desde su ropa habitual hasta el legendario delantal desnudo) al terminar esto le dice que esa noche se encontrará con unos clientes que tal vez sean interesantes para ella….. Llega la noche hinata llega al lugar (llevando un vestido muy erótico y llevando unas pantimedias o unas medias con ligero) en ese momento se da cuenta quienes son sus clientes y los 3 se sorprenden al verse y Hinata siente lo que sintió ese mismo día en la mañana y se dio cuenta de lo que buscaba desde que fue descubierta por Boruto, sus clientes eran konohamaru y udon(o podría ser Shino también para que deje de ser virgen y quién mejor que una excompañera de equipo) Hinata se da cuenta que lo que ella buscaba era la emoción de llegar a ser descubierta, ereki le explica a hinata que todo eso era como agradecimiento por cuidar bien de su hijo pero ninguno de los 3 le presta atención pero en ves de cuestionar el porque ella estaba alli konohamaru se abalanza sobre ella ya que a konohamaru le atraía Hinata sexualmente desde esde hace un tiempo y (udon o Shino) no dejarían pasar la oportunidad de dejar de ser virgen y hace lo mismo que konohamaru, al ver a los 2 tan ansiosos por ser el primero En hacerlo con ella, a hinata se le ocurre una idea la cuál es hacerlo por sus dos orificios al mismo tiempo, además de que ellos al estar tan emocionados, ellos no se miden y comienzan a tener sexo fuerte con ella y ella al ser la primera vez con 2 hombres al mismo tiempo Y por sus dos orificios y al tener tanto placer Hinata activa el byakugan inconscientemente y se da cuenta que la están observando pero de tanto placer ella lo ignora y se excita aún mas hasta el Amanecer. Al día siguiente Hinata mientras hace sus labores domésticas ella recuerda el placer que sintió el día anterior lo cual provoca que se moje y al tratar de masturbarse recibe un mensaje en el cual le piden reunirse con alguien lo cuál la deja frustrada por ser interrumpida ya que al terminar de leer el mensaje llega Boruto y le pregunta si está bien ya que la ve muy roja y ella dice que no tiene nada. Hinata llega al lugar acordado en la noche reconoce rápidamente a quien la cito, sé trataba del conocido de ereki que era de otra aldea que previamente la había contratado el le pidió reunirse con ella para contratar sus servicios para un amigo que es alguien importante en su aldea de natal y le explica que el servicio en esta ocasión será una sorpresa para su amigo y que para este trabajo tendrá que trasladarse a su aldea, ella estaba a punto de negarse a pesar de la gran cantidad de dinero y el viaje pagado ya que ella piensa que sería complicado, pero al saber quién era su siguiente cliente inconcientemente llevo su mano a su entrepierna y continuo en lo que se quedó antes de recibir el mensaje y ser interrumpida, con su mano en su entrepierna y una cara de ahegao que activa su byakugan, ella se corre fuertemente y le dice en voz muy alta y mirándolo con una expresión pervertida a la persona frente a ella, “acepto este trabajo en la aldea de la nube, estoy impaciente de atender a mi siguiente cliente),la escena termina con hinata viendo la foto de su siguiente cliente el cual se trataba del cuarto Raikage. PSD: perdón por la biblia se que es muy larga igual creo que se puede Hacer más corto pero es que me inspire


there goes my idea idea 1…. It has been 5 months since Hinata was discovered by Boruto but in these 5 months he has not seen a trace since it seems that using sleeping pills works well. In the current time Hinata has found a large number of men (since ereki recommended her to his relatives) with enough capital to pay for having the wife of the seventh Hokage (a few scenes of Hinata with her clients in baby-doll , dominatrix, shibari, schoolgirl, in her the last clothes, etc.). She became very popular in the world of wealthy men and some women, she is about to meet an acquaintance of ereki who had mentioned to she was an acquaintance from another village and wanted to hire his services since in addition to him many men spoke wonders of her when it came to sex, at the moment of seeing him she realizes which village he comes from (who he is is not shown) .end the scene without hentai scenes. The next day Hinata is at home doing housework, Naruto is in the office, Boruto on a mission, himawari on a walk with his grandfather, hinata being alone reflects on her sexual misadventures and for her it is becoming habitual again and no longer he feels the same emotion that at the beginning at that moment someone knocks on the door this turns out to be ereki, ereki upon entering the house gropes hinata until she cums, she gets upset about what he did and because he went to look for her at home in broad daylight but ereki offers him a large sum of money one that he had never offered him before which is for 2 services one to have sex at that time and at the Hokage's house and the other to oppose him after finishing the first service, hinata later thinking and feeling something unknown inside her, she agrees to fuck with ereki, from there ereki and hinata have sex in the Hokage's house in all its corners (the living room, the kitchen, in all the rooms, a risky sex in the patio, and a sex session in the shower to finish all that while hinata wears from her usual clothes to the legendary naked apron) at the end of this she tells him that that night she will meet some clients who may be interesting for her... .. The night arrives hinata arrives at the place (wearing a very erotic dress and wearing pantyhose or stockings with light) at that moment she realizes who her clients are and the 3 are surprised to see each other and Hinata feels what she felt that same day in the morning and realized what she was looking for since she was discovered by Boruto, her clients were konohamaru and udon (or it could be Shino too so that she stops being a virgin and who better than a former teammate) Hinata realizes that what she was looking for was the emotion of being discovered, ereki explains to hinata that all this was as thanks for taking good care of her son but none of the 3 pay attention to her but instead of questioning why she was there konohamaru pounces about her since konohamaru was sexually attracted to Hinata for a while and (udon or Shino) would not miss the opportunity to stop being a virgin and does the same as konohamaru, seeing the 2 so eager to be the first to do it with her, hinata comes up with an idea which is to do it through her two holes at the same time, in addition to being so excited, they do not measure themselves and begin to have strong sex with her and she being the first time with 2 men at the same time And because of her two orifices and having so much pleasure Hinata unconsciously activates the byakugan and realizes that they are watching her but she ignores it out of so much pleasure and gets even more excited until Dawn. The next day Hinata while doing her housework she remembers the pleasure she felt the day before which causes her to get wet and when trying to masturbate she receives a message in which they ask her to meet someone which leaves her frustrated for being interrupted since When he finishes reading the message, Boruto arrives and asks her if she is okay since she sees her very red and she says that she has nothing. Hinata arrives at the agreed place at night and quickly recognizes whoever summoned her, I know it was Ereki's acquaintance who was from another village who had previously hired her, he asked her to meet her to hire her services for a friend who is someone important in his native village and explains that the service this time will be a surprise for his friend and that for this job he will have to move to his village, she was about to refuse despite the large amount of money and the paid trip since She thinks it would be complicated, but knowing who her next client was, she unconsciously put her hand to her crotch and continued what she was left with before receiving the message and being interrupted, with her hand on her crotch and an ahegao face that activates her byakugan, she cums hard and says loudly and looking at him with a perverted expression at the person in front of her, "I accept this job in the cloud village, I'm impatient to attend to my next customer), the scene ends with Hinata looking at the photo of her next customer which was the fourth Raikage. PSD: sorry for the bible I know it's very long I still think it can be made shorter but it inspires me


Idea 2 The scene starts with Boruto walking down the street while thinking if what he saw 5 months ago was a dream since after that Hinata hasn't shown signs of doing it anymore, (PSD: he still doesn't notice the sleeping pills in his dinner) after walking for a while he meets his friends and notices that they look with great emotion at something that iwabe has in his hands, they show him something that surprises Boruto, end of scene A month before the current time, there is a scene where hinata is having sex with an acquaintance of ereki, when they finish having sex, ereki's friend tells hinata a little about his work, to which he does not pay much attention until the man asks hinata if she would like to work on a project with him, which would pay her very well, she asks him what kind of job it is since at first he didn't pay attention to her... end of scene Boruto returns home with what his friends were watching with such excitement. At that time Naruto was at work, Hinata and Himawari had gone shopping so he was home alone, what they had lent him was an adult movie and he returned home at that precise moment to check if what he was seeing it was real... ... (there is a flashback where Boruto is shown the movie) Boruto looks at the cover of that movie in which there is a very beautiful woman who is very similar to hinata only that the woman on the cover has longer hair and wears glasses (alluding to the first cover of "the daughter of weak you" that was published last December) at that moment hinata passes by himawari to go shopping and tells Boruto to be late for home, when saying goodbye to Boruto, his friends talk about how beautiful Hinata is and muttering about how she looks a bit like the woman on the cover, at which point Boruto asks her to lend him the movie, (end of flashback). at that moment Boruto decides to put the movie on television, immediately after the woman on the cover appears on the screen, end of the scene. sorry if my ideas are long and with little chance of winning but even so the other ideas are very good and that super melons could capture perfectly (as always of course)

Park Park

YamatoXOrochi sex recommend


Thank you all for participating and supporting this idea! I've read incredible stories here...come on...there's a lot of talent XD All ideas have been read and analyzed. We already have the winning idea!