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Here is page 041

 Naruto has serious problems. XD

Very soon there will be a new survey to choose a new comic, so get ready.

Thanks for your likes and comments ...

In an hour we will publish page 013 of "The Devil's Seed" (One piece), thanks for your patience.




Se le cambian el color de los ojos en la viñeta de abajo, es por la historia del comic o es un error? XD Que ganas tengonde saber cusl va a ser el siguiente comic!! Ya quiero ver como sigue!! Seguid así Super Melons!! ʕ ꈍ ₃ꈍʔ❤


Okaaaaay.. I really do not understand this scene with Naruto fucking this unknown woman. Is something wrong with him? His eyes went from blue to yellow. And who is this woman shown with Tsunade earlier?


I have edited the image so that you can better appreciate the idea of the page. In the following pages we can clear some doubts.


Gracias , bueno , en realidad no es un error, he editado la pagina para despejar algunas dudas


This was such a bad transition


Just wished you had continued with the RaikagexHinata and used the last panel to show a wall between them


Well there are still more scenes between Raikage and Hinata, but according to plan, this page was necessary.